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"-Henry's getting older, I mean just yesterday he asked me if it was bad that he liked his girl best friend," JJ told Tara, a tear in her eye, "I'm scared I might be losing him," JJ cries. You think about it for a second and furrow your brows. 

"Hey, J, isn't he like twelve?" You ask. JJ nods, "You have six more years. If I had kids, I would feel lucky that he even asked," you tell her, continuing to read your book. Spencer sat next to you, reading his book about Chemistry his head on your shoulder. You two were best friends, since college when you both met, and proceeded to beg Hotch and anyone else who tried to separate you two to put you together again. 

Spencer yawns on your shoulder and you look over at him. He gives you sleepy eyes, but continues to read. "Spence?" He hums, hearing you. "Do you want me to sit with the girls so you can take the couch?" It was the end of the case, everyone besides Tara, JJ, Spencer and you were awake. You weren't surprised he was tired; he never sleeps when on cases, something you grew to dislike about him. 

"No, I'm good, this book is-" Spencer yawns again, cursing at his tired self. You giggle. 

"You take the couch, I'll continue to chat with the girls," You start to stand up but Spencer grabs your wrist. 

"Cuddles?" Spencer whispers out, not caring what JJ and Tara think, "Please?" He adds, his voice breaking. You couldn't say no to him, it was your weakness. You sigh and turn back around to face him. He lays down and makes grabby hands. You giggle and slip into his arms, laying your head on his chest. You could hear his heart rate, fast and steady. At some point his heart rate calmed down at he was sleeping with his arms wrapped around you. You slowly fall asleep after him. 


The grip on your waist tightens, you hear distant conversations, making you keep your eyes shut and listen. 

"Ooooh, Pretty boy's got a girlfriend," Morgan teased. 

"It's not-" You could hear Spencer's voice crack and could also feel the vibrations of him talking through his chest. "It's not like that Morgan," Spencer told him stubbornly. 

"Do you love them?" Morgan asked, his voice changing. 

"Yeah, they're my life... They could tell me to kneel, and I would do that," Spencer cried, "They will never notice me though, even if I wish they did," Spencer told Morgan. 

"Kid, who's in your arms right now?" Morgan asked. 

"Y/n," Spencer mumbled. 

"Who brings you coffee every morning, and helps you with your headaches?" Morgan asked again. 


"I love you a lot more than you would think," you tell him and kiss his lips. You jump off him and brush yourself off, "See you later pretty boy," You wink and walk out. 

A/n: TEHE.

Spencer Reid x Y/N OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now