It was too easy

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You looked over the case again, and again. And again. Spencer sat beside you, reading a book about The New Sciences of Catching Killers. (I actually own this book, and Spencer would soooo read it. It's called Dead Reckoning). You went over the chances of death again, asking Spencer what it was every 20-30 minutes. Somehow, on some level, just by telling the Unsub about the most important moment in your life, she surrendered. Although she did, she wanted to know more about your life. As though you were as fascinating as Horror movies or just a Movie in general. 

"What's bothering you?" Spencer asked, flipping a page of his book. 

"Nothing, why do you ask?" You replied as casual as possible. Spencer flipped another page and looked up at you. 

"I've known you for seven years," Spencer sighs, putting his book down, "And you only get anxious or show any sign of being bothered when you bite your lip, rub your hand with your thumb together and start spacing out," Spencer tells you honestly. "So, what's bothering you?" Spencer asks again. 

You stopped biting your lip and rubbing your thumb to your palm and stare down at the ground. "It was too easy, Spence," You tell him, "I have spent a lot of time on this team, and I know one thing for sure, the job is never that easy!" You get up and start to pace. Spencer rubs two fingers over his temple. 

"Y/n, you're really bothered by that? Ms. I don't get annoyed at anything, is bothered by a job being easy?" Spencer questions. 

"Yes! My whole life people have always told me two things, trust your gut and always expect more work. And my guts telling me there's more," You start biting your lip again and spacing off as you paced. Spencer sighs and grabs your wrist. You stop and stare at him. You could easily let go, but something told you not to. 

"Y/n, sit. Calm down, and if you want the honest truth, it was anything but easy. I think your just pretending that's the real case," Spencer says matter-of-factly. 

"Spencer, nobody and I mean Nobody, has ever worked really hard to know about my life. I don't even like it!" You tell him, throwing your hands up and then placing them back down. Spencer's mouth turns to a line, and he just sits there, thinking. 

"Y/n I think you should reconsider-" 

"Spencer Reid, don't you dare think about giving me a 'I think you should reconsider your state of mind,' I have worked my ass off and when I think something is too easy, it's too easy!" you tell him. He rolls his eyes and goes back to reading, occasionally looking up from his book to see you talking to Emily or JJ. After awhile you felt the plane turn around and scrunched up your nose. 

"Why are we turning around?" JJ asks. You sang under your breath 'too easy!' Spencer heard you and grumbled back 'shut up'. 

"We got the wrong girl, and worst of all, there was another body, this time in Seattle," Hotch informs everyone. You almost sang and danced around. 

"I get to see the pretty lights!" You giggled. 

"Y/n, someone died," Spencer informs you, just like Hotch did. 

"Okay, well I already won one bet, maybe I could win another!" You tell him. Everyone looks at you funny and you just shrug your shoulders and leave towards the bathroom. 

Spencer Reid x Y/N OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now