A week of fluff

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I stood up from my desk, the bullpen was mostly empty on this Friday, I walked over to the kitchen and busied myself to a coffee. I heard a cough out of Reid and turned around, placing myself onto the counter. "What's up pretty boy?" I asked, flirtatiously. Reid was one of my best friends and with that we playfully flirted.

"It's just... why would the unsub kill the children if he knew that the kids were already terrified," Spencer questioned the unsub, running a hand through his already messy hair, "Usually terror is just the thing to make someone angrier or desperate for the child to listen or understand them. It just... doesn't make sense." Spencer ranted. Although it didn't make sense of what he was saying either considering it was 2 am and he just told me that unsubs usually don't kill their victims.

"I think the nights getting to your head, Spence," I chuckled. Spencer took a sip of his coffee and continued to read the files. Flipping through them as fast as he read. I shook my head and turned back to my coffee. The coffee pot was now hot and some of the left-over coffee dripped out. I poured the coffee into my mug and blew on it. "Do ya think the unsub was just trying to get attention?" I guessed, walking back to my desk, coffee in hand.

I started up on the files as Reid thought. He sipped his coffee and mumbled something about 'too easy' before going quiet.


"Y/n," I felt someone poke me and I lifted my head off of the desk. I must have dosed off.

"What time is it?" I grumbled, rubbing my eyes. Spencer looked at his watch and winced.

"About 5:00," he told me. My eyes widened and I quickly looked as though I had files to report. "I'm taking you home," he said sternly. I nodded. I didn't care about this case anyways, as far as I knew this was just a normal Homicide. Although that would be my tired self-speaking.

Spencer helped me up, and then helped me out to my car. I may have dosed off again as we drove because the next thing, I knew we were at my apartment complex and Reid was helping me lay down on my bed. I twisted and turned, not quite comfy.

"This is strange to ask now," Spencer said suddenly and I looked up at the brunette. He shuffled in his spot, looking down. "But it's really windy out and it's a long drive to my house so could I-?" Spencer pause.

"Yeah, go ahead, my bed is big enough for the both of us," I said dumbly, and mostly exhausted. Spencer turned bright red and shook his head, stuttering out no's. "Come on! We've slept together before!" I teased, remembering the times on the plane where I would snuggle into Reid because of a nightmare or dream.

Reid sighed and hopped into my bed. I turned off my bed side lamp and felt two hands snaking around my waist. I smile and close my eyes falling into a dreamless sleep.


I heard someone groggily groan and then looked down to see that Spencer's arms were still tight around my waist. He had fallen asleep in the back of my neck. His brown hair mixing with my h/c. I smiled.

"Morning," I whispered.

"I'm so tired," He mumbled from my hair. Reid and I have always been close, so it wasn't much of a surprise that we were cuddling. Although... what were these feelings that I had suddenly got?

I flipped myself over, so I was facing Reid. I looked at his messy hair and then at his lips and then finally, his eyes. Reid smiled and closed his eyes one more time. "Come on sleepy head," I giggled, trying to get up. He blatantly placed me back down and started playing with my hair. "If you get up, I'll make your favorite for breakfast," I told him. His grip became more tight but also gentle. I could hear him start to fall asleep again and took the opportunity.

Spencer Reid x Y/N OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now