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TW: Angst

Everything changed after Spencer Reid appeared. and disappeared. He changed my personality to my appearance. I used to be confident and now I hide behind my hair or anything that I can hide under. I used to have beautiful y/h/c but now I have red hair that I dyed to hide from Him.

My parents worried, siblings scared and my friends leaving me to rot. I learned the hard way to not trust people, especially hot ones. Spencer was my lesson, a taunt from God. I got everyone and anything, so I ended up with the beautiful Spencer Reid.


"...So, I learned that he actually like turkey instead," I laugh as Spencer smiles at my laugh, "I don't even know how I forgot my brother hated turkey, I mean my mom never serves him up turkey at dinner, I don't know." I stop ranting and smile at Spencer.

"That sounds like an interesting family," He responds, eating more of his food. 

"Trust me it is," I told him, taking a bite of my spaghetti, "How 'bout you?"

"Hm?" He hums, looking up from his food, "My mother and father are divorced and-"

"No, no! I mean what do you do for a living, what's your life like, do you have a best friend, tell me everything!" I smile and lean forward, ready for a story.

"I work for the BAU, I work a lot and I have friends, yeah," He nervously chuckles and continues to eat. I tilt my head and nod. 

This little friendship would turn into something more I knew it. 


Although I never knew that I would be the one walking out of a cute, amazing relationship. Never did I know I would be the one looking back at our relationship and realizing I cared more. Never did I realize that I was the only honest person in the relationship...

All I knew was that Spencer worked, a lot. What he did at work and off work was a mystery.


"So, you want to go out for food tonight or..." I trail off looking up from my phone to look at Spencer he sighed and looked down at his phone.

"Work," He taps the phone twice, "I have to go."

"But Baby-"

"Y/n it's just tonight," He commented. 

Just tonight. How did I not realize...?


People work. but he worked more. He wasn't a workaholic, and his coworkers say they saw him less and less. I knew the signs and finally confronted and that's how I ended up in Italy with my luggage and my life gone. I learned Italian and French. I dropped my last name and language.

"May I have those please?" I asked in Italian, the manager of the bakery nodded and started to grab my coffee and donut. 

"You sure you don't want the cookie?" Somone asked in English, "You used to love them, then again I barely know you now."

"I'm sorry sir but I don't know you," I said in French, hoping he knew that language instead.

"Y/n," He sighed, still talking in English.

"Sir," I flip around to see Spencer and clench my fist, "I will only ask you once to disappear! I don't have time for you!" I said in English, my voice sounded more French now and a little Italian.

"I love your-"

"Here you go," The baker said in French. I turn around and nod saying a kind 'thank you' before giving him my money and walking out onto the streets, my coffee in one hand and my donut in the other.

Spencer Reid x Y/N OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now