Helping him

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I stared at the chess board. Spencer sat across from me, reading a book, too bored to look up and see how bad I'm doing. It was late fall, and we were at the park, playing a normal game of chess when Spencer said 'Um, are you trying to lose?'. And with that I kept playing myself, that was about a year ago and I still lose every time.

"I see a checkmate at 9," He tells me.

"You didn't even look up," I bicker, "I bet your just playing me so I lose against myself, which my the way won't happen!" I all of a sudden am in Spencer's lap, forgetting that we are currently on our way home from a brutal case. 

"Check," He whispers, "Mate."

"From a 1-10 angle how horny are you?" I ask, being my known curious self. 

"2," He nods his head and continues to read, "But can you stay on my lap I think I might just die without you there." He looks down at my petite self and I grin, kissing his jawline.

"Do I get cuddles when we get home?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Don't know, feeling like sleeping on the couch," He tells me and I furrow my brows. 

"Why the fuck would you do that?" I question.

"Entertainment reasons," He nods, continuing to read. I cross my hands over my chest and raise a brow again. 

"So your telling me, cuddling with your girlfriend is not entertaining?" I move towards his ear and whisper the next part, "Spence, your a horrible liar." 

"Did you know that whales can have up to 6 babies per year?" He asks, changing the subject, "So technically they shouldn't be going extinct." 

"Baby?" I whisper in his ear. He hums back and I wrap my arms around his neck, "Whales can only have up to 4 and it's not per year," I knew what I was doing to him so I started to rock my hips. "And for the record, your reading a book about sex so if you want-"

"Y/n," He helps me off him and then stands up, sounding stern, "I love you, but our coworkers could hear, see and most likely know somethings off just in the five seconds that you get yourself undressed," He answers my question and I whimper. Maybe I was the horny one. 


I sat on the couch, petting my cat, Leo, while watching videos of people making cake. It was Saturday, Spencer was called in and I had decided to just chill. I heard a knock and yelled, 'come in.' Next thing I knew, Leo wasn't in my lap and Spencer was tangled in my arms, crying. He didn't say anything just cried and when I would ask he would respond with 'I love you,' which I would respond, 'I love you too, baby,'. 

It had been an hour and Spencer was no just watching Tv with me, not crying, but not being his usual spitting facts and sass kind of Spencer. So after we finally finished a season of some guy asking people about how to make cake, I think, I confronted him.

"Baby, you're scaring me what's wrong?" I ask, moving some of his hair out of his eyes. 

"Promise not to tell the others?" He asks, I nod, he wipes away his tears and looks me in the eyes, "I-I saw you with some guy, I know it's just a guy and you love me but, god, seemed way more like a lover then a friend," He pauses and looks at my right eye then my left, "I'm sorry I haven't been clingy lately, and I'm sorry that you think I'm not good in bed and I'm-" I interupt him by kissing the genuis and giggling into the kiss. He breaks it and looks at me confused.

"I love you," I smile, "And no man, or woman, can change that. I love how clingy you get and I love how you are in bed, and damnit Baby I love the way you act all the time," I pause and think to myself if this is a good idea but push that thought out of my mind, "Your my dream man, the way you bite your lip and click your tongue, comes in handy, yes, but is so adorable. And I love how you care about others more than yourself," I pause again and furrow my brows, "Spence, who do you think I was sleeping with before you came here?" I comb my hands through his hair and he looks down at my breast, which I would allow on different matters, but instead I grab his chin with my thumb and make him look me in the eyes.

"Morgan," He mumbles, "You too were hugging and sorta snuggling on the jet a few days ago." He remarks. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Was I?

"I-" I blink a few times and stop combing his hair, "Was I really?" I ask.

"Yes, Eidetic Memory doesn't lie," He taps his forehead and I shake my head. 

"Babe, I'm just really close with Morgan, if he has feelings for me, he better tell me. If you want next time snuggle, hug, and maybe do other things with you on the jet ride," I tell him, bopping his nose. 

"Yes pwease," He asked, voice breaking. In his eyes all I saw was love, and trust. 

Spencer Reid will be the death of me, and I don't even care!

A/n: Suggestions! In comments please!! I hope you liked this Chapter, my brother asked me to make it, because he thinks I would do that to Spencer. (I mean Morgan is hot) but no.

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