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Chapter 38

El sat in Nina's house he even slept there when there was no business to keep the real estate vultures at bay. He found a safe had it cracked there was $65k in the safe he added the rest to save it from foreclosure. It cost another $10k for the bank rep to transfer the deed to El's name once he satisfied the bank loan and the back taxes.

Thirty day's passed since he got news Viktor went out in a hail of bullet's saving Nina's wretched little life. Deep down he admired Viktor he was a genius who covered the streets he loved with legal actions. He looked at a photo he found of Viktor in Nina's thing's he had in his lab coat and glasses clearly working on his wonder drug he looked happy. He was drinking bubbly from a beaker celebrating with his boy's. El framed the photo putting it in his new office which once belonged to Nina he had a candle lit next to it in his memory.

Knock Knock what's up Scott? How's the new guys working out? They are good they were in the business and left over financial differences. I told them the house keeps 20% they keep 80% they were good with that. I also created packages like Nina did with me to pad the bill's which they liked. Oh and we have a glory hole room in the basement opposite the sauna. Damn El! You doing it up! I'm building a lights camera action room as we speak Scott.

I don't want to ask what that is. I'm looking for a male transgender you know anyone? Hahah no I'll put the word out. I need a sexy woman with a large dick one you can't tell is a man.

I may know someone who knows someone. Send them through that's big business. Scott looked to Viktor's photo poor Vik that bitch Nina got him killed.

El was quiet knowing Viktor had full knowledge Nina was a handful. Later man Scott dropped an envelope on the table my share of the mortgage and bill expenses.  Thanks Scott how do you like running your own business? Love it man thanks for setting me on the right path.

Scott left the phone rang hello?

It's Nina's spa how may I help you. El grinned sipping his coffee is it now? Im thinking El's boom boom room had a good ring to it.

What the fuck are you doing in my house? Your house? No the bank gifted me the house of course I had to satisfy your mortgage and taxes but yeah I'm the proud new owner of a park slope brownstone.

A step up from that trash neighborhood of crown heights. Now now Nina is that any way to speak to your benefactor? What do you want bitch?

The money in my safe El. Money? What money? The bank said all the content in the house belong to me. A man sitting in the seat of a long line of Madam's my mother is turning in her grave nigga.

She should be Nina I mean for generations black women ran this house selling dick to keep from selling their own pussy for a fuck up lile you to come along and loose it all to a young thirsty nigga like myself. Tsk Tsk Nina.

El do one favor please. What? Send my family photo's and picture's please especially the one's of Viktor.

I can do that let your drug people know you don't own the house if something in here belongs to them let me know so they can have it I don't want any issues. Nothing's there El I wasn't that stupid.

El. What? Can you break me off money since you inherited the business? Haha really bitch?! The shit was in a damn ditch all working nigga's in the fucking wind!

El Scott is pulling $40k a month and that was before you made him independent. Scott keeps 100% of his money now Nina. Why would you do some dumb shit like that little nigga?

Not that I owe you an EXPLANATION I let the Stallion go free to bring home twenty palomino's bitch.

Nina hung her head chuckling your sayinf Scott filled my house up with employees? Every room the hallway spare, finished attic and room I built in the basement.

Oh they're knocking door's down to get in now that I'm new management.

You'd be proud Nina I added a glory hole room on the other half of the basement  and I have a female transgender male with a large package coming to please the ladies who are into that sort of thing tits ass and all real pretty and real passable. 

See? Shit is going up under the new regime. I could alway's write a letter to the Administration for Children's service's Kalel. Go ahead you attempted to kill Adonis the second he heard about Viktor dying he gave you up to Crimson along with paperwork linking you to the Columbian cocaine cartel shipment's.

I think if they present your letter in court the Judge is going to laugh them out of court once I present Adonis' affidavit you shot him.

Can you think about it El Viktor is dead I have no money. I'm waiting on my apology. Sorry Kalel. For? Threatening you it won't happen again.

If I were to help Nina what is your expected number?

Ten percent of the house earnings monthly El. For how long Nina? 
Ten year's El. Haha yeah okay it's good to dream.

I'll bless you with five percent for five year's then you're on your own Nina.

I want to start the business here El I need Capitol to grease palms. How did Vik die Nina? Cops shot him in the femoral artery he bled out never made it off the plane El. I'm sorry Nina. Thank you El.

Are you asking me to go into business with you Nina? Float you the capitol? No El I need a loan. I don't do loan's Nina I do investment's. If you change your mind call my cell never call the landlines again good bye Nina.

El shook his head she had some damn nerve chuckling because he would do the same in her shoes.

His cell rang hello is this Kalel Quinn?

Yes how can I help you? This is Wexpharm pharmaceuticals my name is Jack Webb we're calling about the fertility pill pack named Viktorious.

Yes? We were wondering if you had a chance to look over the contracts. I'm sorry contract? No can you email it please and I'll have my attorney's look over them sure thing sir.

Jackie hey El, I just forwarded a contract over for you to look over.  From Wexpharm?

Yes sir. Okay let me...wait El did you create pills call Viktorious? No! Not at all why?

Vicktor died correct? Yes in Havana gun shot wound he bled out. Viktor named you as a patent owner for all four pills. What does that mean Jackie?

You are the sole owner of the pill pack Kalel. The estimated residual wealth of the pill's range any where from three to five million dollar's per year per pill.

How many pill's are there Jackie? Four Kalel this is just an offer from one company there has to be more. I'm sure the companies will contact you.

There is something else you have supply a copy of patent application they want to see the notary seal on them. There should be four one per pill El. I'm confused Jackie please speak as though your talking to a child.

In order to control the market on something you create you need a patent I'm sure toy know what that is? Yes I'm familiar Jackie.

Example Madame C.J. Walker patent her hair pomade no one could copy her recipe or they risked being sued. Viktor created four pills to help women conceive when you fill out papers for a patent you name all those who helped you create the drug.

Viktor named you on all four pills Kalel. That's twenty million per year. Jackie smiled that's a low ball offer let me give this to my father allow him to handle your negotiations he is excellent at it.

He will make sure you get top dollar and force them to give you way more per pill with percentage increases quarterly depending on how well the pills are performing.

I trust you all Jackie and i see I get a lab? We can help with that too no worries Kalel let's just say you are going to be an extremely wealthy man.

Viktor willed you all of it the pills the lab deal and the patents El.

Why Jackie we weren't the best of friend's.

Unfortunately the answer died with Viktor I never said this see if you can get access to his apartment. The police ususally confiscate computer's they rarely shift through paperwork.

Go see what you can find El. Okay Jackie. And El? Yeah man?

Be careful.

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