Past Truths

18 6 1

Chapter 25

Crimson broke the do not cross homicide yellow lines on Sam's door. He made the sign of the cross kissing the 24kt crucifix and chain Sam got him when she made her first million as a renown madame.

Crimson thought of the day she pulled him into her kitchen during a party telling her the pastor prayed over the jewels blessing it with holy oil.

Although she came from a long line of madame's one who only worked with men because they were less messy her family pentecostal religious. Samantha attended church every Sunday morning despite her job.

She placed the cuban link diamond chain and encrusted crucifix around the neck of the only man she ever loved. This is blessed keep's the bullet's from killing you and the devil from vessel posession.

Wear it and you will never die my love he picked Samantha up off her feet kissing her with love.

Crimson wiped his eyes thinking of the day he graduated NYPD academy at 18 in 1988.

Sam's mother blessing him with a new car knowing her daughter was in love with him and he her.

She also knew Samantha could never give Crimson the life he wanted a house, a white picket fence with two kid's and a dog.

When Samantha talked of leaving six generation's of Madame's to live on a cop's salary as a baby bearing honest woman, giving up the fine life she was so accustomed her mother begged Crimson to turn his back on baby girl Samantha her only child..a female.

Sam's mother prayed for a girl so she wouldn't have to keep trying. It was forbidden in the family to leave your business to a male or a female that wasn't her blood.

When this 6:3 220 pound fine chocolate black man flashing a picture perfect smile, a statuette body accompanied by good raising and matching manner's waltzed in the life of her only daughter she knew she was in big trouble.

What was worse he was a good man one who could not be purchased one who was deeply in love with Sam she  knew Crimson would never depart from Samantha nor she from Crimson.

Crimson pulled the paper with Sam's blood on it from his pocket. He searched the four family brownstone starting at the top working his way down to the bar and entertainment center in the basement.

Crimson grabbed water from the bar thinking, he ran upstairs to the third floor.

Upon arrival he pushed the door open. Smiling he entered happy. Samantha's teen bedroom exactly as she had it when they were kids. Picture's of them at Run DMC concert's, Fresh Fest 88, and the freaknic at Jones beach adorned the room. The wall's were lined with poster's of black music icon's from right on and word up magazine's.

Lucas scanned with his eyes nothing seemed abnormal. Crimson closed the blind's.

The carpet was off Crimson pulled the spot that looked newer then the rest of the carpet near her side table.

When Crimson pulled the rug there it was her safe yes yes yes!

He sat on the floor playing with the combination of number's it took four and half hour's finally.

Yess! I possed your cherry bitch Crimson pulled the door open he grabbed the safes contents including money and jewels adding all to his bag.
He locked the house armed the alarm running out the door.

His phone rang Crimson. Detective Crimson? Yeah who's this? This is Stoney I was Sam's lead security. What's up Stoney? I have the footage from the house the night she was murdered.

Sam didn't have camera's in her part of the house only the business correct? No sir Sam installed camera's only she and I knew about I'm gay and Sam knew it that's why she didn't care about me seeing her naked and all.

I left the flash drive under your welcome mat at the back door of your house. Sam said if anything happened to her to leave it there. I put six month's worth of footage plus the night she departed I hope you catch the bastard.

Thank you Stoney. May I ask a question Detective? Sure stiney.

When will your daughter come home to run the business? You must be mistaken Stony Samantha and I never had  children unfortunately.

I'm sorry you are Detective Lucas Crimson correct? Yes Stoney.

Detective Sam had a child in 1998 a girl I'm sure of it. Detective you have a daughter.

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