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Chapter 19

Kalel showed for a court hearing with the state Jackie showed to represent Kalel.

The mediator spoke were here to discuss Amanda and her return home. It's been six month's since the death of her parent's we have a set of parents that would love to adopt Amanda.

That would be wonderful if Amanda was up for adoption. Counselor why do you say this? Your honor for Amanda to be legally placed for adoption they need the permission of my client because his parents left custody of Amanda to him. When they died he was two weeks away from his 18th birthday with that they snatched Amanda from her childhood home and everything she knew.

We removed her from the home because Kalel was a minor himself. Please refer to my client as Mr. Quinn he is not comfortable with Ms Sneed addressing him casually. I apologize to you Mr Quinn.

Your honor the state has asked Mr. Quinn follow and complete all they layed out for hom to do which he has completed four months earlier then expected. My client loves his sister and is motivated to get her returned home.

Attorney Robinson i recall you stood before me ohhh some odd twenty years ago with the Destiny Wexler case do you recall that Mr. Robinson? Destiny Hollings case your honor and yes I do.

Thank you for that correction and what did you promise this court? Pro bono case work your honor.

Have you filled your obligations? I have and I continue to do so your honor. Very good Mr. Robinson. She shifted through the paperwork, I'll look at all these document's and we will reconvene in three weeks besides age is there any other reason the state feels he is unfit? No your honor we do not. Okay I'll see you all in three weeks.

When El left tje meeting room Nina was in the court's hallway just sitting there reading a newspaper staring at him he ignored her livid inside.

This was going to far he was trying to control his temper how in the fuck did she know he'd be in court?

What's wrong El you seem flustered? I'm fine Jackie. You're sure brother? Yes Jackie.

Jackie explained court went well that now he knew they were using El's age as a crutch he would swipe it out from under them.

Jackie and El parted he knew he had to quit and never go back she crossed the line and this time there would be absolutely no back peddling.

This bitch is crazy he mumbled getting in his car.

Kalel showed to his job he Tanya wasn't in the kitchen which was good for him he slipped in the pantry opening the adjacent door to Nina's office.

Nina walked into a dark office dropping her purse on the chair to her right as soon as she closed the door before shedding light on her soon to be situation Kalel grabbed her by the throat tossing her in the door on her tip toes struggling for air. He pressed his thumb in her windpipe making sure she was uncomfortable.

I don't know who you think I am but I assure you that your fucking with the wrong nigga bitch his voice below a whisper.

If I ever see you near my court case or i find out you touched my outcome in anyway i will pull this sex trap house of cards you've built and everyone and everything with it.

Is that a threat Kalel? Kalel squeezed Nina's airway raspy and raggedy her oxygen cut by the temper of a mad man her life being threatened by the tip of his thumb. 

I don't make threats bitch I make assurances. Kalel grabbed the hair bun on top of Nina's head tossing her to the floor causing her to roll across it, hitting her head on the bathroom door. El walked out the building slow and undetected the same way he entered.

Nina ran to her laptop to see if the camera caught his threat what? She asked herself loudly baffled. Nina hopped up moving the hat rack behind her desk the camera cord's severed her video along with it.

Damn! She opened her desk to pour herself a shot of whiskey to calm her nerves. Nina  rifled through her desk draw's feverishly.

Nina popped up checking her file cabinet which had a broken lock bia forced entry and finally her safe in the floor under the rug she stood upon DAMN! Nina swept the cute glass figurines from her desk enraged.

What's your issue the light flipped on shedding truth to her evil and wicked way's.

Close the door Viktor, El stole the financial Ledger's for the last five year's along with the appointment book's and the book of client's.

Vik took a sip of her whiskey, so pinning that body that's mine on El is definatly out  Nina right?

What the fuck do you think Vik?

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