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Chapter 22

Both player's please stand empty your pocket's roll your sleeves.

El did as asked when the opponent did the same a spare rook dropped out from an inner rolled cuff.

I demand my student get a public apology or I'll be contacting our attorney for racial profiling.

Ivanov what are you saying? You accused Kalel of cheating you asked he stand making a public spectacle of him.

Openly chastising him because he is a person of color. Why didnt you ask Petrov's player to stand first?

The three men argued in russian El was shocked a black was was so fluent and wanted to learn.

The three men's voices were raised that resulted in a shoving match El called Jackie to tell him what was happening. Hang up and record everything now! Kalel hung up recording the the fight and word's along with it.

Kissy did the same off the TV once Amanda pointed out the player was cheating they had all of it from the beginning.

Security rushed in and the last two games were stopped. The chess coaches were ushered to a seperate room.

Protocols that were put in place for issues like this were pulled and Quoted. By laws repeated and rules made to follow.

They judges ran the tapes they went over every game the player with El played and all of El's games. El was clear the other player waited to get to El to cheat to make it to the final game.

zdesʹ! zdesʹ! Ivanov yelled pointing to the screen zamorozʹte eto pryamo zdesʹ, vy vidite obman!

(Here! Here! Freeze the video this is where he cheated) Ivanov yelled in russian. We see it Ivanov. We demand an apology me for assuming id be involved with dishonest practices and my chess master for accusing him of cheating publicly like you accused him on live TV.

They apologized on tape streaming to Russia playing back the cheater using his hand to add peices to the board.

The player was disqualified Ivanov made sure he was stricken from all repartable Chess hall's and competition's because of it. If it were El, they would've done ten times worse.

El drank green machine swishing it around his mouth, waiting on the other two player's to finish so he could find out who he'd be playing. He knew one of the player's were trash the one winning would give him a run for his money.

The player El thought would win did. They clapped giving the player a half hour to rest. The two player's went back to play chess once again.

El flexed his long hanging dick the player staring at the horse dick semi-hard in his face.

El took off his jacket slow making sure to shake his dick lightly in his face.

El heard that he came on to one of the other male player's in the past. El wore a clingy tee showing his nipples through his top.

El smiled at him sexually winking sitting across from him waiting on the clock to start.

El stared in his eyes like he was intrested in him rubbing the bottom of his leg before the clock began with his sneaker tip. El staring licked his lips at his opponent knowing he was 100% heterosexual.

He started the game the two player's fighting for an all expense paid trip to Russia.

In three moves El snatched his Queen which meant he was weak unless a pawn made it to the back board on El's side which it wouldn't.

His opponent was weak when it came to pressure chess which is making a fast move and hitting the clock. El made his moves in under one minute making him feel inferior as a player.

El didn't know how but one of his pawns made it to back of his board aomething that never happened to him before.

A curl of victory made it's way to Ivanov's lips but he knew not to get happy he'd seen in the bag games flip due to cockiness and over confidence.

Don't get cocky El Ivanov said mentally. Don't get cocky El reminding himself.

El used the pawn Queen to sweep his bishop and Rook.

Check El called out as per the rules.

The player frustrated got nervous loosing his train of thought. He made a move snatching one of El's bishop's angering Ivanov.

Stop playing with him and end the fucking game boy Ivanov said in his head. El stretched the game no one understood why in the coach's box but Ivanov did.

El was gonna drag him through the mud cut up naked then toss salt on open bloody wounds.

El wanted to scare the people in Russia Dʹyavol was coming Ivanov chuckled internally...get ready he smiled sinersterly.

He looked to Dʹyavol... The Devil which is what they called us for being black the chess annihilator.


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