The Warrant

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Chapter 32

Lucas the bullet out of Samantha's body and the slug extracted from Apollo's rib cage came from the same gun. The ballistics on the slugs match.

Same shooter baby? I didn't say same shooter I said same gun Crimson. The person who killed Nina is not the person who shot Adonis.

How can you tell bae? The trajectory, Adonis and Sam were standing in front of the shooter Sam was also shot in the rib cage but that's not the kill shot.

The shot Sam suffered was three degrees higher then then what Adonis suffered...three degrees Crimson three feet.

Sam's killer was about 6:0 and Adonis' shooter was about 5:7 Lucas. Fuck! So now I'm chasing two homicidal mother fucker's!

Yep haha. I need answer's and I know where to fucking get them enough is enough. Crimson hung up making a call.

Go to President street pick Kalel Quinn for questioning in connection to murder and attempted murder.

The police arrived at El's house he was booed up with kissy laughing and having breakfast. He could see the patrol car out the window.

Good morning Jackie NYPD is outside ringing the bell. Did you answer El? No sir. If they had a warrant they would've been inside already hold the line.

Goodmorning Detective Crimson? Yeah this is crimson.
This is attorney Jackie Robinson I represent Kalel Quinn how can I help you Detective?

I'd like to question your client in connection to a murder and attempted murder. Is Mr. Quinn under arrest detective? No sir he is not.

Please as your officers to leave his domicile then we can discuss setting a time for you to come to my office to question my client with counsel present.

That will work Counselor. I can wait Detective. El looked out the window the uniforms drove away. Crimson returned to the phone I sent them away what day and time Counselor. Hold the line Detective.

El are they gone? Yes sir. What day can you meet him for questioning? Today say three? I'm available hold again please.

Detective today at 3 work? That work's. You have the address on the card El provided? Yes thanks. See you at three.

El see you at three. Okay Jackie. What wrong? Kalel stared at kissy nothing bae small stuff that's all.

Crimson showed to Adonis' hospital room explaining the evidence of the bullet ballistic match.

Who shot you Adonis? My thought is hazy detective with all the medicati--

Why are you doing this? Why are you protecting those who want to kill you Adonis?

Three Night's prior.

Tanya walked in her pantry at work to take inventory for a Targee run. When she closed the door Viktor had a knife at her throat. If he talks he will be putting you in a box. Viktor left the pantry a hysterical Tanya pulled herself together. Went in a target run buying $2000 worth of food household goods and pantry items.

She left Targee returned the card, her house key and the reciept abandoning her job. She called Adonis telling him what happened he directed her to stay with his parent's until he was released speaking with no one while he was unsecured at the hospital.

Crimson stared at Adonis who so eagerly was willing to talk suddenly shut down what did the killer do Adonis? Threaten you? Your wife? We can provide protection.

Sorry Detective I can't help. Crimson left angry damn! Kicking a wheel chair in the hallway.

Pacing he went to  his car to regroup while sipping coffee he looked at the bag of Samantha's safe items.

He pulled the papers pulling something on his first hit proof Nina was smuggling drugs into state and federal prison's around the nation. That's why she killed you Sam. You had something on you to keep her out your yard. He saw a tally sheet of the container shipments from out the country and if he reas it correct there would be a shipment later that night.

Crimson hung up Captain it's Crimson I'm on my way in I need a warrant.

El showered and dressed he looked to his chess board's as habit especially the one he set up to play Jackie Father over face time. He noticed he was in check.

El stopped dead in his track's picking up the chess peice with a zip lock bag to carry to his meeting.

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