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Chapter 30

Jackie glared at El when he walked in his high rise corner Manhattan office. Why was the judge on your phone El? El looked behind him Clarence Hollings sat at a chess board sipping coffee. Who's that? My father and a very powerful man with long reach and extensive connections. You need to tell me everything Kalel or I've been instructed by my father who is a majority silent partner in our law firm to drop your case effective immediately.

My parent's died they took my sister two weeks before my 18th birthday. So now I lost my parent's and sister in a month flat.

I had to up and get a job. One day I was in the park on a jog when a woman offered me a job cleaning I accepted because the condition to getting my sister was employment.

I was to do cleaning but shortly after my arrival she introduced me to sex with women who sit in high positions with lots of money. I was getting $5 to $8,000 per session. Clarence smiled hearing the money exchange. One night I came to work and an accidental murder had been committed. One of the guy's tried to be a dominant to make more money and didn't hear the womans safe word strangling her to death.

When I saw her dead on the floor I left and quit. Then I got a call from a girl that that I'm cool with that they were trying to pin the body on me.

I broke into Nina's office that's the owner stealing vital files that would put her in jail for her life including tax evasion racketeering and most of all smuggling drugs into several federal prisons around the nation.

That backed her up off me. I left started a business doing the same with one of her main guys. Its small just he and I. I had a client the other day for the first time.

Pussy was trash sorry sir. Clarence nodded his head anyway that woman was Judge Justine but when I met her she said her name was Cheryl.

What did she say when she called El? She said say nothing she will handle all. Jackie smiled you have the judge in your pocket El.

18 with a judge in your pocket she could recuse herself for no reason at all but bias but she didn't. She likes you El keep her happy. El looked back at Clarence yes sir.

There is more. Jackie exhaled he explained Crimson. Ignore him he's fishing if he had something you'd be in cuffs. Give him my card if he comes again I'll consent to a meeting with the three of us if it comes to that El. Okay thank you.

How did you do at the chess tournament? El looked back I leave in October to compete in Russia if I win there I go to the Olympics to represent the United States against the world's undefeated chess master--

Robbie Gobetrev. Yes sir that's correct. Are you nervous El? To compete no to let our people down yes. I'm the first black person to get this far it's an honor to say the least. I don't want this stuff to mess me up because the Russian's hate me they call me a chess devil.

Clarence smiled and what is the shame in that El? What in being called a black devil sir? Oh nothing much. Hahah! Clarence laughed looking at Jackie he reminds me of Malcolm.

He does father. Malcolm is one of my son's smart like you Clarence made a move El got up sitting at the board playing him in four moves Clarence had him locked in a check mate.

El was shocked I've never seen that before! Not that way. Would you like me to teach you a few more strategic and defensive moves Kalel? Yes sir please.

Sit the devil comes to kill, steal, rob and destroy is that not what you aim to do in that tournament? El smiled yes sir.

Then wear you name with honor and live up to it every way possible.

Crimson went to see Adonis at the hospital asking if the police took pictures of his bruises they had. He left and went to the precinct where he pulled the photos in the computer.

Crimson dropped the photos of sams arm and neck the finger print's were a match to be sure he sent them to his friend in forensics.

His phone rang Crimson. Detective this is the lawyer for the estate of Samantha Ashton. Yes sir how can I help? As you know the reading of the will is scheduled next week. You were named in her will I'll send you the details and location. Okay I don't need anything Sam knew that. Detective she left you something very valuable please show.

I will sir thank you Crimson shook his head at the foolish notion she left him money he was never after her money he alway's wanted her but she was married to the hustle.

He wiped his eyes thinking of the life they could've had in a better version of themselves.

A version where everything was perfect and they barbecued for their friend's drinking wine and beer on the weekend back patio he hand built. Talking about how well their children were succeeding in college and life.

Lucas realized his white picket fence dreams disastrously morphed into a bloody reality ending in cinders and ash.

Kalel took Kissy to a Broadway play you have a calculus assignment due Monday El. I know baby I'm half way through it.

Well I created the assignment due alert's on your phone and mine so I can help you stay on track El. It's been working baby I appreciate all you're doing to make me your's.

Heheh make you mine? Yeah bae. How? Who want's a slouch husband? You are helping make me a better man if I'm better then we are healthy and so will our 10 kids be.

Ten! Yeah. No! Hahah how many then kissy? One. One!? No way woman three max we have to have what if one dies?

Don't say that baby. It's true Kissy no one ever thinks death will hit them I didn't. She hugged him we will have babies three and three will live long lives okay?

Yes baby. Good don't speak death before we can even create life don't condemn our children with your word's baby words have more power then people believe El.

Okay baby what you wanna do next? Watch you win free money in the park. You serious kissy? Yep!

They stopped playing me since I was on TV uptown. Still it's good to keep up with your timed moves lets go! She ran from him he chased her.

Crimson showed to the United Kingdom Embassy hello I'm here to see diplomat Kingston John I believe he is the father of Viktor John.

This way Detective. Kingston John walked in how can I help detective? Or should I say

What did Viktor do now?

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