Sleeping with the Help

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Chapter 6

El woke to the smell of fresh brewed coffee eggs bacon and pancakes. He heard 90's R&B playing which was music to his ears because he grew up on it.

He grabbed his robe peeking in his kitchen with a baseball bat in his left hand.

Put that away unless you're clubbing me to death for making you breakfast.

El sat to the roses he was gifted the night before in water in the middle of the table, fresh fruit coffee croissants eggs bacon and pancakes a full spread. Ramadan is coming I fast starting next week so please don't cook unless it's evening kissy and what kind of bacon is that?

I know you are muslim El it's turkey bacon I remember your father was Sudanese. Sorry El but your pops was fine as hell. Haha thank you..I think.

I mean you look like him but you have your mom's complexion everything else looks like him.

Wait here El ran upstairs and came back down look they were 18. WOW you look like twins. That's what everyone say's thank you for this kissy this was sweet of you.

What's up with the apartments? El you need new appliances. What kind? Stainless steel is best or stainless steel front cheaper but still looks good.

What about black appliances since you're going with grey? That's a possible El.

Listen pick what you want online and shoot me the link make sure the painter's measure the space for you so we know they will fit. No ice maker's on the fridges. Why?
That ice dropping in the middle of the night is annoying to say the least.

Kissy smiled yes sir. Don't do that kissy. Do what El she asked in a naive way.

He grabbed her hand don't patronize me we are friend's. I know we are in business together but I called you because you are my friend.

Friend's don't lie to one another kissy. No they don't El. He picked up her hand kissing the top of it the sunlight drenching the picturesque country kitchen.

The light falling on her face in the right way beautifying her flawless melanin skin. Her natural curls dropping in her eyes in a sexy non knowing way.

For three minutes they gazed in one another's eye's. Come El let's eat it's getting cold.

How's your boy performing Nina? Good Viktor he is gaining up on you with client's.

Word is spreading like wildfire about his performance.

Performance? Yes Vik cosplay sex fantasy sex.

That's his angle Nina? That's the angle I'm pitching Vik. Question Nina does he know he's going to have to give fantasy sex?

I'm working on telling him. Better be quick El is different Nina I know men like him back home in Haiti.

Men who are so spiritual money can't be used to threaten or persuade them.

Men like that are dangerous because they can't be controlled only Allah control's them.

Vik pass me that glass rub my back baby please. You're not hearing me Nina. What do you think I should do baby?

Fire him all together get rid of him Nina.

Hehe I can't fire El every weekend is booked until the end of the year the weekdays are filling in quickly.

Vik was skipping rope he alway's skipped rope after sex. He put the rope down in his Manhattan Tribeca loft grabbing a towel wiping his brow.

Have it your way but mock my word's that little nigga gonna gave you ringing your hand's. Oh Vik! You don't know El he's a sweetheart harmless I tell you.

If you say so bae now let's go I'm about to get fat this week next week is Ramadan and I gotta get my eat on.

Come on greedy hehe, haha.

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