The Nerd

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Chapter 7

I don't know Apollo it's there's enough light.

I want a sun drenched house and how can I see the kid's in the yard from the kitchen there is no window?

Baby for the price we can do our own renovation's you know my father has a carpenters liscense.

I grew up helping him I even know a little electrical.

Oh lord you're gonna burn the damn house down?

Haha baby it's a six bedroom in long island for $325k we ain't gonna get a deal like this again.

The owner's know my father they moved to Dubai and aren't coming back.

Baby I have 300k in cash saved for our house I'm trying to get them let it go for $300k cash deal 30 day closing.

Say yes woman.

Tanya looked around I do love the space and the kitchen..and the rooms are huge.

That's because it was built in the 70s space was a big thing in the 70's the owner's never cut the rooms.

The sunken living room stay's and the fire place Apollo.

Yes ma'am and guess what tee? Humm bae?

There is a fire place in the master bedroom. Where baby!?

Behind a wall my father sealed it off but said it work's he tested it before he sealed it.

Oh Apple! Apple? You haven't called me apple since the fourth grade is that a yes Tanya?

Yes Apple yes! Apollo picked Tanya up swinging her around I love you Tanya.

I love you baby very much.

El may I speak with you before your appointment please? Tanya gave El a look of oh lord El held in laughter walking in Nina's office.

El sat waiting for her to begin El I had an idea to come up with something we've never tried.

What is that? Cosplay sex do you know what that is? I know what it is yes.

How do you feel about it? I don't have a problem with it but I have limitations Nina.

I'm listening El. No choking on either of us, no anal sex or anal play when it comes to me.

I won't be tied or handcuffed but I don't have a problem dominating a woman.

Threesomes in connection with cosplay is an extra $2000 and if they want sex with cosplay it's an extra $500 in my pocket.

You will give me a monthly allowance to build a cosplay wardrobe all clothes belong to you at the end of our contract.

Notify me as soon as you get word as to what fantasy the woman would like to play out. Oh and no pedophilia Nina.

Please adjust my contract to the fore-mentioned.

Anything else El? Now that you ask I need a full rolling bar in my room with a fridge and a supply of ice when I have a guest. Stock the fridge with a bottle of moet each appointment please.

I need an ash tray for the smoker's and a fresh supply of back woods each session and lubricant.

I'll need money to buy toys and I need a leather hand strap added to both walls inside the shower and a remote control ceiling fan over the bed.

Is that all Kalel? If you want a show I'll give you a show and you will have women banging your door down for a ticket.

You're on Friday night she want's a preppy shy college nerd you think you can handle a four hour session?

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