Viktor Origin's

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Chapter 36

Viktor was dressed for the occasion with everything in place. He called London's heaviest hitter's to help him pull it off. People he hung out with in the hoods of London.

People who thought because he was a rich black kid be was soft and could be run over. They learned real fast Viktor wasn't playing with a full deck and by the time he was 14 year's old he had his own set with twenty guys running the streets doing his dirty work and the dirty work of his father when needed.

Known in London as Liverpool Boy's, this particular set of thugs only wore the best attire nothing was bootleg and every member had to have gainful employment and file tax with the crown annually.

Viktor created monster's hiding in plain sight. When he created Syntak his bio-medical company half the set were named in his contract as employees needed to run the lab that would be centralized in the United States thus the reason the states would have to allow them access because they were here in a medical visa.

Of course his father would put them in a house where they were under his personal surveillance. Henchmen now at his beckon call.

But before all that could happen in the long run the short run had to occur getting the patent approved and getting a major drug company to pick up the drug which was done. He sent to paperwork to Immigration three of the eight he was trying to get in was approved.

Victor stood on a hill with five of his deadliest killer's. He watched with his binoculars as the corrections van left the Brooklyn house of detention. He dropped the shield on his helmet riding out he boy's flying ahead of him as planned.

Vicktor checked his watched as he sat on an abandoned road cutting through John F. Kennedy air port in Queens 10 minutes from the jail.

As the van approached Jamaica avenue also in Queens New York three minutes from the abandoned road Victor and his henchmen surrounded the Van open fire with assault rifles. Open the door mate one of the men pointed a pump action rifle at the driver through the windshield. HANDS! HANDS! DONT MAKE ME KILL ANOTHER BLACK MAN OVER A FUCKING PENSION OPEN THE FUCKING DOORS!

The second guard opened the double back doors his hands in the air. Smart man! Unlock the bitches.

The guard unlocked the women there were five women and five bikes one woman got on each bike by gun point. The men didn't choose a woman they took all of them.

Viktor shot the radio and took their cell phones cuffing them to the back of the van he pulled the van off the road parking it between two cars properly.

Teenagers were on the streets filming clapping at what they did. Hell yeah! Hell yeah! As the men rode off the teenager's hooped and hollered in glee.

Victor held up the number four when Nypd lights flashed PULL OVER NOW! The chase began running them down streets zig zagging in and out of traffic.

The five members arrived at the abandoned air strip running to the unmarked private jet waiting to carry them back to London the women ran for the plane with Viktors street brother's.

Gun fire erupted Viktor held them back while his people ran to safety. Baby come on! He ran with her in front of her AHHHH! Viktor fell to his knees he was hit.

He lay on his back with leg wounds and bullet casings in his vest. Go baby. Nina raised his helmet looking into his beautiful eyes. Go baby Go! The police closed in on them with flood light's infra red dots covering him on the ground.

LUTHER! Viktors main killer grabbed a screaming and crying Nina opening fire as the police ducked hiding from the cop killer bullets.


The police rose thier shield's it didn't work bullets pierced the shields going through vest's.

BACK THE FUCK UP! The second gunman shooting from the plane open fire another ran out picking Viktor up carrying him in the plane.

Luther shut the door the plane took off disappearing in the summer night sky.

Get me the medical kit hurry! Luthor! He looked to the wound the bullet clipped a vein Vik. Can you fix it? Nigga! Try!

Luthor went to work on Viktor as the plane headed to Havana where there were no extradition laws.

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