Past Tense

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Chapter 11

El don't, you can get in a whole lot of trouble baby please.

Kissy held onto Kalel's arm the two dressed like New York yuppie young professionals she hid behind him as he angrily knocked on the door.

Hi I'm--

I know who you are boy you're Asia's boy come in I knew you was coming.

Amanda's foster grandmother showed them to the kitchen.

Now listen here boy you make sure through this whole conversation you calm yourself and show me the respect I know your parent's raised you with hear me child?

Yes ma'am. Good now we are about to have an adult conversation and I'ma need you to be just that Kalel.

I don't allow no swearing or cussing in my house. This is the lord's dwelling and as long as he walk's within these wall's won't be none of that.

Yes ma'am.

Ms. Ida my friend kissy--

Hello ma'am I'm Kissy pleasure to meet you--

Was walking past the family court today. She went in to get the card of a lawyer when she saw my sister sitting with a potential adoptive family.

Can you please help me understand what the state is attempting to do?

See? God sit high and he looks low. I prayed this morning I did. I spoke to your mother and father and I said Asia and Anthony do you see the white man trying to take your baby away from her brother?

You need to so something and now! Look what they did sent kissy as an all seeing eye. Thank you Jesus. Thank you!

Here what I know. There is a black society if uppity rich folk that contribute! And I say that light cause the real word is buy! They buy their way in to get the best children out the system.

One's like Amanda who aint sick and come from good parenting and in there cause her parents done gone to glory or died from some illness.

But the come from top stock a good home loving parent's professionals like Anthony and Asia. They get these donations in exchange for a good adoptive child.

The law say she has to be in custody eighteen months before she can be offered up. Them hawks are on her in just two month's scaring the child.

Then they using the fact that I have to move to transfer her to them new people.

Kissy cut in excuse me ma'am you have to move?

Yes they selling the house so I gotta go. How many bedrooms do you need Ms. Ida?

Two is good but all i can afford is fourteen hundred dollars per month. Kissy and El looked at one another.

Ms. Ida I have a three bedroom in my house for rent. They won't allow it Amanda can't be in the same house.

What if you were to privately adopt Amanda Ma'am? I see where you're going El! You're smart like ya daddy was.

If I sign legal adoption paper's then you could live where ever you want with Amanda correct? I sure could Kalel.

I'll sign her back over to you once the smoke clears. Would you do that for me Ms. Ida?

I'd do that for Aisa and Anthony since it be me who raised them.

Sorry ma'am? What you sorry fo El?

I don't understand. Your father and mother never told you of their backgrounds have they El?

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