Crack Down

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Chapter 34

Adonis got the email from his patent attorney that the fertility pill pack was approved. There was also three major pharmaceutical comapnies lining up to pay him for the pill's creation and testing which Viktor already created and perfected since he was sixteen. What they didn't know is he already done human trials illegally on infertile black women with money. Out of ten tests eight women conceived with success and had healthy children. He even had blood samples from mither and child for six months after. There was no complications thus far he would follow the children for five year's four had passed and everything with mother and child was fine.

Cizer Packnet and Tinor promised him his own lab with healthy contract's once the pill passed Food and Drug Administration tests.

Viktor closed his eyes thanking God finally something good was happening for him.

Crimson listened to the womans story. She told her about Nina and the place she ran. How her wife was bisexual and liked to be dominated but she liked to watch and this was her first time with Adonis.

Right off Detective I could tell he was an amateur because Scott always asked a safe word before they started. Scott knew Rose's limitations a Dominant knows that about his submissive's when they've been together a while.

But this guy was off he was sadistic not like he was doing it for the money like he enjoyed inflicting pain.

I'm sorry but isn't that was a Dominating man is supposed to do? Yes detective but this was different in a Dahmer type way.

As a woman we can feel when sexually shit starts going left and Detective shit went all the way left. She pulled the live stream showing Crimson exactly what happened to Rose.

As you see they had no idea the phone was streaming when Adonis left the room Rose still had life she put the phone behind the headboard you can hear her gasping for air.

The coroner said he squeezed so hard a bone broke puncturing her tracheal that's the wheezing sound you hear.

They listened to Rose struggle for air then they heard her no more. Her wife wiped her eyes feeling terrible.

Can you send me that feed and a signed affidavit of what you witnessed and heard that night? I know you want to remain unknown but Rose was your wife she loved you and deserved justice don't you agree?

I agree detective. Crimson called his captain wake Judge Holden for the arrest of Nina Bach. This better be good Crimson.

Captain have I ever had you wake a judge if my shit wasn't solid check your phone. The captain reviewed the tape you got her Crimson. I'll get a warrant for the male in the video as well.

Can't Cap. Why Crimson? Diplomatic immunity. Are you fucking serious? Yes sir lets press the girl see if she will roll on the diplomatic prince get a statement Crimson I'll take it high see if we can get that immunity dropped.
Thank you Cap. Anything for my top Detective.

BOOM BOOM BOOM. Blow it! BOOM! Nina rushed to the door of her park slope brownstone Nina Bach you are under arrest for the murder of Rose Conway here is your warrant.
We have the right to search the premises place your hand's behind you back. You have the right to remain silent. Crimson was happy finally a break in the case.

Tanya showed to the hospital, Adonis they just arrested Nina for the murder of Rose Conway.

Serious Tanya? Yes bae her lawyer called said don't speak with the police not knowing i don't work for her anymore. She must didn't tell them I walked off the job Donnie.

After shopping off the womans Targee card haha you're hood baby. Listen call it pay back for the shit the bitch did to you she whispered I still don't get why that bitch shot you.

Because Adonis killed Samantha and Rose Nina thought I was a loose end she needed to tie up Tanya. That's a fucking shame Adonis.

Crimson sat in the hospital parking lot listening to the bug planted in the flower's delivered to Adonis the morning he arrested Nina.

Smiling he knew who killed Sam and Rose who shot Adonis and why.

Crimson left the parking lot to crush Nina with question's she waited for him at the precinct in lock up.

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