Case Break

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Chapter 33

El showed to Jackie's office early. The killer was in my house Jackie. How do you know El? He pulled the chess piece out of his pocket.

Mr. Hollings the detective is here. Usher him in please. Detective Jackie pushed his hand for a handshake. You've already met my client Kalel how can my client and I help detective?

As I stated I'm investigating a homicide and an attempted murder anything Kalel may know can help.

Were you in the house the night the murder took place at Nina's establishment El?

El looked to Jackie before my client decides to assis the police have the district attorney contact me about total immunity for his cooperation with the police.

As long as he has nothing to do with the murder or attempted murder that shouldn't be an issue. Thank you Detective can we say it's safe to say that you will steer clear of contact with my client until I get the paperwork from the District Attorney? That's fair.

Detective Crimson in good faith this is for you Jackie passed him the zip lock with the chess piece  inside. Last night my client arrived home to a break in but not a burglary.

There was nothing stolen but the was something moved...that. Crimson looked down I'm not following.

El has several chess board's in his bedroom a chess master knows when a piece has been moved that he did not. When my client arrived home that Bishop placed him in check.

A Bishop he never moved Detective I say check it for finger prints who knows you may get a hit place the alleged killer in my client's house exonerating him as a subject of intrest in your investigations.

This is also showing Detective Crimson that Kalel has nothing to hide and is willing to assist you with this investigation.

Crimson looked down at the peice in his palm the wheels turning in his head.

I have a suggestion to make gentleman that may work hear me out, Crimson shared his thought's with the two men.
Do you agree El? If this is going to end all this then okay.

Get my agreement Detective from the D.A and we're in business. Thank you gentlemen for your time.

Jackie stared at the door Crimson walked out of. Then he looked to El we are going to give him what he wants on our terms El. Lets go over exactly what you are going to say and how you will say it El.

Do not stray from the way we practice it Kalel. Okay Jackie. Sit down we are going to be here a while.

Kissy. Yes mom? I need you to keep an open mind we have a meeting Saturday morning at 10 am to meet a lawyer about a client's estate.

Okay mom. Can you come with me please? Sure mom. Okay Saturday okay? Yes mom. Good.

Crimson I lifted a print off that chess piece it's belong's to Viktor.

Viktor what was he doing in El's house? What did he want with El? A frame up Crimson?

Possible but he stopped working there shortly after the first woman was killed but why did he kill her and why did he kill Sam? Why break into El's house and why try and shoot Adonis?

That's a lot of Why's detective. Yeah it is.

Crimson showed to the precinct at 1 am it was empty.  He took a hand ball out of his desk tossing it off the wall in front of him catching it with every toss. The bankers lamp on his desk shining in the old precinct. This case was personal to him Samantha was dead and he was not going to rest until he solved the fucking case.

Detective? Crimson caught the ball turning back to the fragile voice calling his name. Yes how can I help you?

I rather not give my name if that's okay. Yes that's fine. I understand you are investigating the death of Rose Conway.

Yes ma'am do you have anything to add to the investigation?

Yes I know how Rose died Detective. How would you know that ma'am?

Because I have the video Detective what they didn't know is Rose was streaming her session live to me see detective Rose Conway was my wife.

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