Smoking Gun

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Chapter 26

Three night's prior

Banging in the middle of the night woke Nina from bed she walked with speed to her door who? Open it. Nina knew the voice so she obliged the request of the uninvited late night visitor.

Viktor entered blood every where oh my God baby what happened?

The bitch shot me Nina I need a doctor. We have to go to the hospital Viktor.

Are you crazy? We can't Nina. Why not? A stray could've hit you. A stray matching a registered gun?

You've got connect's yeah? His London accent heavier then usual get help woman. Hurry!

Viktor lay on her floor as not to stain the rug and furniture in case an investigation were launched and police showed with a warrant and question's.

Nina ran for a blanket and pillow Viktor rolled onto it.

Two a.m Adonis' phone rang he was in his own apartment because he worked a late shift at the hospital he'd gotten home not ten minutes prior.

Hello? Slow down Nina shot how? Of course I know how to treat a gun shot wound I'm enroute. Adonis' car was in the shop he called Uver to her apartment toting his medical bag. Adonis text someone before getting out the cab.

Adonis pulled his hood before walking in the building. He knocked on Nina's door she pulled him in. As soon as he entered Viktor was on the blanket half blacked out. Go boil water get some clean towels bandages start a fire in the fire place put the fire poker in.

Get me a needle and thread hair weave thread.

Hold him down Nina put this leather strap in his mouth. Turn up the music. What are you going to do? Remove the bullet old school.

You have tequilla Nina? Yes Adonis. Give him some while I prepare. Adonis lay everything out he scrubbed his hand's and cut his nails.

Did he have enough tequila Nina? Yes she was nervous she changed into old clothes.

Here Adonis passed her Viktor's leather belt Viktor begrudgingly bit down. Adonis used his finger's to dig in the open wound first before using forceps.

He was taught by his grandmother a medicine woman to use his finger's and dig for the bullet it would be more painful but he could feel the bullet faster with his finger tips with forceps he'd have to dig until he tapped the bullet.

The forceps would hurt worse because Adonis would be blindly digging.

Viktor bit down screaming keep him quiet Nina or someone will call the fucking cop's.

Baby shh it's okay covering his mouth with her hand. I got
Adonis examined the bullet it was whole no fragments were left behind he tucked the bullet in his back jean pocket while Nina gave all her attention to Viktor.

Adonis grabbed the peroxide bottle saturating the open gun wound. He checked for an open artery no vein's were nicked.

He cleaned the wound Nina get me the poker from the fire. No! Vik yelled. We have to Vik or you'll bleed out.

Nina bought the fire iron to Adonis the tip red hot. Leather so he won't swallow his tongue Nina.

She put the thick bite strap across his tongue. Adonis wiped the wound clean ready Nina? With a worried look she shook her head yes.

Adonis held the wound closed laying the burning red poker on the open wound. Viktor screamed blacking out from the pain Adonis wiped the burned shoulder clean thanking god there was no exit wound.

It's done. Thank you Adonis Nina wiping her eyes Viktor knocked out from tequila and pain. What happened Nina? I'm not sure Adonis he came here shot and bleeding so I called you the only one I can trust.

Where can I clean up Nina? Second door down the hall. Adonis scrubbed wet and dry blood off tired from his long day ready to head home.

He exited the bathroom tired hearing a loud noise. What the fuck? He mumbled.

Looking up Nina clutching the smoking gun that shot him.

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