NYPD Visit

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Chapter 17

After day's of agonizing El returned to work Friday evening. Nina smiled when she saw him hop out his car. He entered through the kitchen off the driveway as he alway's had.

Tee hugged him I'm happy you're back. El tapped her arm ready to do battle with Nina he would let her know her threat was not the reason he returned.

Careful Tee whispered in his ear before letting go Kalel looked in her eyes there was something she wasn't saying. Something she knew he didn't fear ran rampant in her eye's. El would speak with her alone later.

He entered Nina's office fearless he did not sit he stood I want you to know your childish threat did not bring me here today.

I could careless about that bitch or any other I warned you to never involve me with the other employee's. I don't care about thier demand's or the shit they do. Don't ask for favors the answer will alway's be no.

If I find out again you've crossed employee Management fine chalk line's by prying into my personal life I'm walking out that door.  I can give two fucks about your threat's I'm not returning have I made myself clear Nina?

Crystal..you have two appointment's tonight is that okay El? It is. El left her office when he got to his room Tanya was in his walk in closet.

El joined Tanya closing the door why are you in here?  El you have to be careful Nina is not what you think she is, this place is not what you think is is.

What is it Tee tell me? Can you make it to my house tomorrow say three I'm off I'll explain everything then. Sure. You dropped me home once do you recall the address El? I do Tee. Good see you then. Tanya scurried out of his room avoiding the hall camera's and Nina's watchful eye. She passed Viktor's room which was clean and empty.

The room filled her with gloom as she walked by Adonis text her are you okay baby? Yes Adonis looking for another job. You know we can't quit tee not now with what just happened they may think we're going to the cop's did you speak to El?

Yes he's coming to the house tomorrow to speak with us Adonis. Good last thing we need is for what happened to Viktor to happen to El he's too young for that.

I'm scared Adonis. Don't be baby I'm here.

Kissy finally found tennant's for Kalel she left the second floor open for his grandmother since they found out she was loosing her apartment.

Kissy approved the older couple both working for the light company for 20 year's each with no evictions made them prime candidates to be residents in El's house.

I have everything guy's I'll run everything past the landlord and will get back with his decision within 24 hours.

They agreed and left happy with the newly renovated apartment. Kissy was spending the weekend with El and Amanda again. She loved when Amanda visited it made her visit with El complete.

She food shopped for the house and the visit knowing he was working late. Amanda came with the case worker and El walked in behind them. 

Oh glad you're here Kalel I have a few document's for you to sign. You have to send them to my attorney of record ma'am.

Kalel is a lawyer really necessary? By the way how are you affording such an expensive attorney?

Amanda went to  curse her out El shook his head no lightly if you are intrested in finding out about my financial record's my attorney will supply anything you ask for.

Thank you El. Please refrain from asking me to sign anything without the permission of my lawyer I will not sell my baby sister to the state no matter how badly they want her.

The social worker smiled at his determination and tenacity for businesses. Here is his business card El picked it up off the foyer table left there as directed by Jackie if she asked anything legal.

Thank you El Amanda see you Tuesday? It's a four day weekend. Yaay! Amanda ran to her room.

You told her off hehe! Kissy hugged El he kissed her sucking her neck what got into you El? You bae.

The couple went to binge watch Vampire Uprising while Amanda holed up in her bedroom loving every minute of her tween privacy.

EL's doorbell rang it's late wait here baby.

Good night sorry for the late visit I'm detective Lucas Crimson may I come in? Sure the Detective wiped his feet entering.

You work at Sheer Luxury Salt Spa? I do. May I ask your position sit? Bar tender sometimes maintenance what's this about? There was a woman he removed a photo have you see this woman before?

Kalel looked at the photo recalling the dead women's life less stare. No Detective El looked harder trying to make it believable no I've never seen her.

Did she come to the bar? You worked the night she was there. Sometimes the women order drink's that are taken to the massage room, sauna or Jacuzzi I don't alway's have the pleasure of meeting them unfortunately.

Thank you sir if you think of anything or see anything please feel free to call me here is my card. No problem Detective I'll see you out.

Kalel walked in the livingroom and kissy was gone she ran the tub and was in it waiting on El.

He opened the bathroom door to a burst of steam hitting him join me she teased calling him with her index finger as red soap flower pedals melted on top of a tub filled with white sparkling bubbles. How about I wait for you to finish Kissy? Are we at least cuddling tonight El? She sound upset with his decision to wait. He sat on the side of the tub washing her back Kissy.

Yes El? I..I'm the bathroom was silent as he massaged bubbles into her brown beautiful skin.


Yes Kalel? I'm falling in love with you Kissy. Kissy smiled she didn't turn and look in case he had more to say.

I don't want to rush us, there are thing's..I want us to be special I know we are young to be honest I'm not looking for a girlfriend I'm a Muslim and it's time for me to look for a wife kissy.

It's how I was raised I've been watching you for year's not in a stalking way. She giggled in the way a man looks at a woman he feels is special.

To me you're special and I want things to be perfect not rushed or forced.

How are you skipping to wife when you haven't asked me to be your girlfriend sir? I have to ask you to be my girl? That's so old fashioned kissy.

A man doesn't ask he says. Say's what Kalel?

Kissy you're my woman now here is proof of that. He whipped out a bracelet case from Tiffany's.

El! She squealed breathless open it. Kissy opened the pearl and sapphire toggle heart bracelet bearing the tiffany name.

You're mine and I'm your's agreed? Yes El and El?

Humm kissing the top of her head I love you too. 

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