An Untimely Death - Cal (Angst, Death of character)

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It was cold. Right outside the mouth of the cave entrance. To Set's lair. This was where Cal and Set fight to the death. However... Cal knew he had lost the moment he walked into this fight. And now... here he was. Stuck in midair, by Set's hands.

He couldn't breathe. His head was spinning. He was blacking out. Why was this happening? It hurt. Why does everything hurt so much? Cal was slammed into the ground. He couldn't move. Everything was numb. Did he get involved in something he couldn't handle...? It seemed like it to him. Everything was fading to blurry lines and black.

"Is this what death feels like...? It's cold... everything hurts... Did I fail? I can't move... Where did I... go wrong...? I did this to try and give Ricarro hope we could save him... but now... is there anything left to hope for? It's over. I just killed another soul. Ricarro... I'm so sorry. Did this fight have any other meaning? I failed everyone. I deserve this. Don't I?"

It was black. All black. Cal thought the pain would go away. If he let himself die, It would stop hurting. So why does it still hurt? Cal felt heavy. Like a brick that was weighing everyone down. "But I'm supposed to help them... not weigh them down..."

He felt useless. Why could he still think. Why could he still breathe? He was supposed to be dead. Is he dead? Am I? Everything was black. Everything he could see. He was dead. Gone. He truly did deserve it. He killed an innocent soul with his own hands.

He may have just mentally killed Ricarro too... He had to watch him die. While trying to help. But that was Cal's job. To give people hope. Not take it away from them... Cal truly did feel useless. Cold. Numb. Upset. Maybe he wasn't dead yet. Was he just hallucinating? Or was this his limbo? Left to think about everything he did wrong. Everyone he failed.

No... he could still see. It was dark. But he saw. He had forced his eyes to open one more time. But he only saw Set turn and walk away from him with a smile on his face.

"It was only... a matter of time..."

Words: 378

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