Kindness ends kingdoms.

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"Will you come with me?" Nick asked her. "I have a beach house in Hawaii. We could go to the USA and then jump on a cruise if you want".

"I'm not so sure Nick," Olivia said. "It's too early for us. I still have my job to do and I can't leave Toxy.  We just went to your parent's house. It was good. I think it went great. Even more than great. I think it went fantastic. For the two weeks that we've been dating, I think we're okay. Don't you think we're okay?" Olivia asked. 

"Yeah" Nick agreed. "I think we are". 

"Then the matter is resolved," Olivia says. 

She was waiting for Nick to change the subject.

"Okay," Nick seemed inclined to agree. "Do you want me to drive you home?" he asked her. 

"Why not" Olivia responds without thinking ahead. 

When they arrived, Nick pulled the key out of the starter. He looks at Olivia and then proceeds on unbuttoning his shirt. 

"What are you doing?" Olivia asks him. 

"I have an idea. Do you wanna go along with it?" he asks her. 

"Why not" Olivia responds, not thinking ahead. 

Nick drops his shirt down and asks:

"Do you want me to follow you to your home?". 

Olivia remembers Toxy advice:

"You have to think with your brain sometimes. Do not let your heart influence all of your decisions". 

"What are you waiting for?" Nick asks. 

I'll follow that advice, some another time. What could happen between the two of us? Olivia thought. 

"Why not" Olivia finally says.

 For a minute, Olivia prepares herself mentally for what she's about to do. She hasn't done this with a guy. Never. When Olivia thinks about sex, she imagines a bed squeaking. 

A Squeaky, 


squeaky bed as the duo who were having sex were making it go up and down. 

Olivia had never put too much thought into the art of having sex. The creativity. . . 

"Where should I put my blouse?" Olivia says more to herself than Nick. 

She goes to reach for the cupboard right in front of her without asking Nick for permission to go through his things. She was mildly anxious about doing it, so she forgot it. 

She forgot a lot of things at that moment. 

"No, no" Nick's voice is getting louder. "Don't open the cupboard" he tries to warn her. 

Olivia, having her mind elsewhere, doesn't hear him and opens the cupboard to see a gun inside it. 

She wasn't an expert in guns but she could see its shiny exterior. It was big (or at least, it looked big to her) with a silver color. 

"I tried to warn you," Nick says as he closes the cupboard. 

"No," Olivia says as she pulls herself embarrassingly back in her seat. "No, it's okay. I understand. You don't have to explain anything to me" she adds and opens the door. "I will undress inside". 

"Do you want me to follow you?" a shirtless Nick asks. 

A small silence occurs and he is left hanging. 

Olivia is about to say, Why not? 

Then she thinks of Toxy. She hears her say that her prospect of the world corrupts her but Olivia would disagree. She would say, that every time she and Toxy talked, she was more grounded. More in touch with the world. The truth is that she hasn't experienced many bad things in her life so, she was looking at Earth in a one-sided way that she knew would not be always beneficial to her. 

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