A cold rainy night.

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As we were approaching the bar, Toxy turned her back to my side and says.

"You know, to the place we're going to... it's a no dogs allowed policy.

You understand...

This won't take long..." and gets inside.

Ozly goes with her. At the last moment, he turns back and looks at what I would guess is... my fur. He gives me a thumbs up and goes inside...

...You understand?

Do you understand?...

Five minutes ago Toxy was the one lecturing Ozly about passive-aggressive behavior.

I feel like I must see through two evils and decide who is the lesser one...

I will not be their judge nor will I ever replace their lost child. I must see that they understand that.

What happens now? Toxy and Ozly are inside partying and "making situations go wild" and I'm all alone in a strange place, free to go anywhere I want while simultaneously being an open invitation for everybody to harm me.


I don't know how many hours have passed. Two? Three? And I've spent them lying on the ground, alone, waiting for Toxy to return. I was beginning to think that I had some luck today because while waiting here, I did not stumble into any serious problems. And then...

What do they say about gloating? It always comes back to bite you in the ass. Well, that's what it did. It started raining...

Two men came outside of the luxurious bar running to the shed holding their fancy jackets as an umbrella. They came outside for a cigarette break whilst raining?

"Oh, Kinky" as Michael Scott would say.

No no no. Let's think of something better. I sought cover under that same shed a few meters away from them, to their right. The only thing between me and them was the entrance door of the luxurious bar. Hearing the sound of the rain and me all alone under a tent or in this case a shed, broke back memories in my mind.

And some feelings too. Fear, loneliness, love, and regret. Mostly regret. Fear of never making my dream come to reality and regret not doing something different, something better with my life choices to make it happen.

It's not too late, is it? I am here. On this earth. Alive. Today is the day I will continue to do things for myself. I will just need to make on gigantic choice...

Now... It is time to think of a better scenario for my current situation. Let's see...

It was Italy. Napoli 1987. I am in a street outside a night bar and two men dressed up like the 1940s mafia are coming out to smoke their cigars. Not cigarettes, cigars. I know, stereotypical and historically wrong. Bear with me in this fantasy.

The is a giant table, like a stool on the left side of the bar as you go out and they went there. I'm under the shed hiding on the right side of the bar like in New York. Here in Napoli, it is also raining.

I take a deep breath and I decide to come a little closer with the obvious fear of getting caught. I am scared all alone in a new world, but I try to forget that. It doesn't work, but I still keep going.

I have to know what they're saying. They came out of the same bar Toxy and Ozly are in, they must know something...  

And I know what you're going to say:
"Solo, they speak Italian, you do not. How on earth are you going to figure out what the hell they're even saying?".
No, not what you were going to say?
Anyway, to that I will simply put your mind at ease and say that I have a very high-tech translator from 2077 and that thingy will translate them for all of us.
A small side effect. I dropped it on the way here so some Italian words will stay and a translation will be added shortly after.
I am not boolshitting you this whole thing is true. Especially the Italy 1987 part.
Oh again with the censoring? You know, precautions. 

A dance with love and death.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora