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Living in New York. Big city, lots of people and lots of stuff to do. Well, not for us. Toxy has been constantly searching with her friend for a way, some way, an easy path to create her company. She says she's not exhausting herself and she says that she's fine but I don't think I believe her. I can see her putting everything she has into her projects. I can feel her ambition. I can almost already see how far she would get. A woman like her can do anything and nothing could ever stand in her way. She's unstoppable and she does not wish otherwise. 

And I know, I sidelined myself and my priorities the moment I met her. I am too filled with the same ambition. I still want to visit Central Park. To witness the beauty of something so large, so magnificent. To achieve something this small and then, go bigger. Shoot for the stars. Someone has to reach them, am I right?

I am fine. I haven't forgotten myself just because I met someone. I trusted someone. I will not forget who I am. I will continue to live and live well (living is not the most important, it's the condition of your life and how you spend it). I will do that, for me and for those who no longer have that opportunity.

Everything's going well, the world is a bright place and every day the sun is shining (even if it's not)...

Ozly, well with him, I can say that we're having a lot of fun. We hung out and he talks to me about every little nonsensical humorous thing. He doesn't tell me enough about himself and I can't quite figure out what he wants. He only breaks his unspoken rule once. Only one time. But the basic rule for every storyteller is the famous show, don't tell.

So, why don't I do just that?

. . .

The day of the party, Saturday that is. We got up in the morning late. Late but happy. After they let me sleep they must have had a lot of fun together. Partying and some other things...

"Feeling good?" Ozly asked me sharing the same happy spirit Toxy had.

Toxy was putting me what humans call 'dog food'. Simple, I know but sometimes in life, you don't have to complicate things where it's not necessary. Sometimes simplicity helps. Telling things as they are, is the preferable choice. When Toxy and Ozly broke up, they kept things simple. SPOILER! I know, it's one of the many.

Let me continue with the main story first...

I barked happily and I moved my tail as I ate my meal. That is my reaction most of the time. In parr with my emotions. Which they were happy. Always happy emotions. My existing happiness was because of them.

"What do you have to do today?" Ozly asked. "Remember, it's Saturday. You have to keep the promise we made with little Oswald. Saturday is a day for fun".

Toxy smiled as she was getting her fair share of pancakes. 

. . . 

She remembered one of her favorite Saturdays she had. She remembers how hopeful that Saturday made her. Not the Saturday itself, but the memories she acquired from it. . .

3 and a half years ago. . . They've been trying. She remembers they must have been trying for a little more than two years.

. . . There have been some failures in the past, but it was about time she forgets about those. It felt like now was the time, the only time where they succeeded.

For the last two years, all Toxy remembered doing with Ozly was excessive work-outs and having a ton of sex.

Of course, the sex happened during specific dates and it always followed the schedule. As I'm sure some of you might know, If you're planning on having a kid, there is a whole science behind it. But because we are not here to discuss any of that, we will have to skip it.

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