A broken heart in a cold rainy night.

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(Warning: Fighting).

So, here it is. I am once again running.

I am once again trying to avoid my imminent death. It's going to happen eventually, right?

I already have a few people in mind who would laugh at the idea of me running scared, seeking someone to hold on to in this cruel world but ending up bumping my heading into the ground directing me towards a ditch without too many pit stops.

They would laugh at the idea, at the possibility.

Seeing it happen, I would have made their whole day much better.

Scratch that, more like they're weak. Pathetic egoistic little bastards. Especially Khish.

And I know bastard is an offensive word. I'm sorry.

I keep saying it. I wish to redact it and say that Khish is one lucky little bastard.

I am still saying that. My apologies. A lucky devil.

My point is that I wish something for him. All I want is for him to have his eternal rest.

A resting sleep so eternal and restless that he would be capable of doing everything to get out of it.

I know, wishing that to somebody is cruel, so kids don't do that. What I meant to say, is that I have made lots of mistakes in my short life, but he was amongst my top three.

In addition, I concluded that dwelling on the past is not good. I decided to leave it all behind, accepting that it happened. I would not call Khish names, the thought of him being the Jon Snow to my Khaleesi will suffice (wink-wink noise).

Aside from all the Got references, I should have never trusted. I should have Dracarys his ass or at least leave him. It's not good to live with regrets in this life. As long as you have a living working mind, they will remember you.

I circled the night bar a couple of times until he got tired. The moment I stopped at the front door-more relaxed than he was-to catch my breath, I lay my eyes on Toxy coming out of the door, almost bumping into me.

"Oh, there you are," she says to me with a forced smile. "Come with me"

She continues walking furiously to the car. I follow her. Alessandro who managed to catch his breath sooner than Flavio approached Toxy with a sarcastic comment.

"Wait, are you here for a smoke break also? I thought your husband smoked, not you".

"Ex-husband" she clarifies. "And maybe I have started it while I was away".

"Ex-husband" Alessandro repeats. "You still haven't sorted that out, do you?".

Toxy seems like she's about to slap him. He caught her hand, so she instinctively and almost immediately kicks him in his balls and run away.

I continued following her and now Ozly was with me.

We get in the car and no one was talking. Toxy opens up the radio.

"I saw you dancing in the crowded room". It was Save your tears by the weekend. Side note, they say weekends are supposed to be relaxing but after this, I'm beginning to think otherwise.

"Why did you have to talk about our dead child?" Toxy yelled.

"You look so happy when I'm not with you".

"Why did you have to talk about how I allegedly beat you?" was the comeback from Ozly.

"But then you saw me, caught you by surprise,

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