First times. Daring tries.

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(Warning: There is a use of the word f@*** two times in this).

Sebastian looks at her with an enchanting smile. "What color are your original hair?".

She was taken aback by that question. She tried to maintain herself. "Do you mean if I dye my hair and what color was I born with?" she clarifies.

As soon as she said it, she regretted it.

Why am I talking to him like that?

What I am, in reality, is just nervous speaking to myself.

Calm down, calm down.

"Can you guess?" she decides to answer.

"If I had to. . ." Sebastian begins to think. "I would say brunette.

Toxy was ready to agree when Sebastian quickly changed his mind.

"Not brunette, dark brown?".

He asks, but he isn't quite sure.


Toxy was ready to wholeheartedly agree when Sebastian changed his answer one last time.

"No, not that either. I would say blonde. You had blonde hair".

That's the one he chooses to settle in?

He hasn't gone through all the options. Toxy could be a beautiful red-haired princess.

Why hasn't he gone with that?

Because she doesn't have any freckles?

How stereotypical of you Mr. Sebastian.

But fine. Today is not the day to be insulted. A blonde it is.

"You guessed it" she replies, arms wide open. "Now it's my turn". She adds.

Although you have to remember, time was not the enemy here.

"Your original color is blue," she says confidently.

Sebastian tries to figure out what's going on. It doesn't take long.

"Yes?" he answers reluctantly.

"Alright. Now come here you" she says while she jumps onto him and they passionately kiss like in a romantic comedy movie style.

Unfortunately, if she had to guess, that was the experience she might have had with Sebastian then. She wasn't proud to say it, but during her second decade on this planet, she was mad at a lot of people. So, she did many things in her quest to calm the fire inside.


Since Sebastian is currently holding a bit of a grudge against her, he is not appearing in her dreams. He is leaving her no other option but to dive right back into their past together and see how that would be.

She didn't remember it, although there have been a lot of times when she could not remember something. Upon future recollection, it was decided that any loss of memory came from her chronic drinking problem.

If she had to visualize the first meet-up she might have had with Sebastian, it would have been in a bar. Yeah, a bar. I know it is not reminiscent of the Toxy you know today yet the Toxy of the before, she. . . She was a lot more fun.

Anyway, that's where she would have met him. It a classy, and fancy, with light music that would stop playing at the right times.

She would wear. . .

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