So close and yet so far...

16 3 1

We were waiting for Ozly to get down. Thankfully he didn't take his time. 

Both of their outfits were as little as possible. With so much heat outside they were both covering what I was later told were the essentials a human was supposed to cover. They seemed to enjoy it. Why shouldn't they? They had perfect physic, it was time they showed it to the world. They seem so happy together. Like the best couple ever. I'm happy for them.

We jog down the street and onto the park. The Hudson park. Not a lot of good memories from there but here we go. You ask why do I go and why I am excited? One small step with the chance for more. This day is called ''Forgetting about your near-life-death experiences and remedying that by revisiting them'' because that is what we're doing.  

Anyway, let's not bore you with the details or the inner thoughts. Let's dive into the events of the day... 

We arrive at Hudson park and both Ozly and Toxy are restless. We have been jogging here and they barely break a sweat. I was TIIIIREDDDD! They were both good athletes though...

I bark and complain, essentially begging them to stop jogging. Imagine the terror if they start running. 

"What?" Toxy asks. 

"He's probably tired. Maybe we should stop for a minute" Ozly deduces and suggests simultaneously. 

"Oh" Toxy seems to finally realize. "Okay," she says and stops. "Before I met you, you probably had an easy life if you get tired so easily".

That I hadn't. I just couldn't keep going. I barked to make sure she understands that. 

"Oh? Am I wrong?" she asks amid scoffing and sits on a bench. Ozly was right beside her. 

 "So, what now?" he asks her. 

"I don't know" Toxy lifts her shoulder up. "I mean, he's the boss," says pointing with her shoulder at me. 

For the first time, after all the sweet talking I was receiving from both of them like I was a child, I am starting to get a little bit bored. I don't know if they're trying to feel a void and I may be young but in dog years, I should have you know that I am considered quite old...

I get up and bark happily while moving non-stop. I am visibly inviting them to continue this. 

"Oh, He's had enough of this, time to move one," Toxy says but doesn't get up. 

Ozly does though. He seems to be waiting on her. 

"Ah" Toxy realizes. "You waiting for me?". 

I, unfortunately, don't know her as much as I would have wanted to, but it seemed to me like she was pretending. What is her motive?

"Go along," she says with a smile and waves her right hand dismissively. "Gonna make a round to the cantina and find my way back to you guys". 

She was up now. I retroactively wonder how her heart might have sounded if I got close to her chest. 

"Is there a cantina here?" Ozly asks. 

It seems like he's baiting for something. They must be together for quite a while if he can tell something is wrong that easily. 

I have something to add on this particular matter but it's a doozy so let us get to the end of the story first and then we can have the spoiler-free talk... 

"I don't know actually" Toxy responds truthfully. "But I will search for one and I will not rest until I fulfill my purpose. You know me, you didn't marry a quitter".

"That I did not," Only says and leans over to her. 

They kissed. They always do...

We progressed in our walk as Toxy was left behind. I never quite understood why Ozly drop that matter and avoided that whole discussion before it went over to his side but I certainly do now. 

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