A broken heart.

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Toxy came late in the afternoon. She silently passed us by and went in to order food. She woke us up from that chair when the food came in and it was time for all of us to eat it. She said that I could eat it too and that's what I did. 

The rest of the afternoon passed lightly. Nothing worth noting, nothing worth remembering. 

I remember myself coming down the stairs and hearing them getting ready. 

Oh yes, I suddenly remember. Today is the party. The one where we will have so much fun. Although, they said to remain well-guarded. They must be so fun at parties, why would they put constraints on themselves? Why would they bind themselves to some well-earn-worthy fun? Metaphorically I mean but I'm sure you know that. Not a sex joke here... 

I would not implement it, I will not. I digress and move on... 

I hear them arguing and then I hear them laughing. 

"No, not now," Toxy says. 

"Let me do it one more time. You know I'm good at this game" Ozly almost begs.

"That you are" Toxy admits it and they start shattering glasses and breaking vases.

By the way, the bold letters above are not what Ozly was exactly saying. They had to be censored. Why you say. We're not children, you say. 

Well, I respond, in the case that you are, it doesn't matter. Sometimes, it is best if we put our imaginations to the test. Sometimes, I repeat, sometimes, the mind is a fickle thing and it can fantasize far worst (or best depending on your kinky mood) as opposed to what is written on paper. Not a paper I know, oral or writing speech, that's your choice. 

Hint, I always go oral, wink wink. 

Okay, we seriously dropped the level here at a considerable amount. Moving on. In a time where it felt like a million years, they came...

They step out of the door and look at me. 

"Hey, I hope we didn't make you wait long," Toxy says. 

Ozly sat right beside me. 

He caresses my fur and says. "Such a cool white fur you got". He quickly gets up. 

"Come along" came from both of them. 

I follow them and we get out of the house. We leave the building and move away from our garden. Toxy approaches the car and stands still. 

"What's happening?" Ozly asks her. 

"You will have to drive the car" she states. 

"Why? Afraid you're gonna crash it?". 

I suspect Ozly is being a douchey right now. 

"Hahaha" Toxy is laughing sarcastically. She flips the middle finger at him and explains. "I am holding my purse. I will have to look after it". 

"Why? What are you carrying? A couple of gold bars?". 

As an answer, Toxy gives to him the all-well-appropriate middle finger without saying anything more. She opens the back door and instructs me to get inside. She sits in the passenger's sit and waits for Ozly to get in the driver's seat. 

He complies and does as such. That is them. All fun and giggles one minute and the next they are fighting. Ah! People. . . 

Ozly is now driving the car and Toxy is opening the stereo. After all, it is Friday night and they won't take long. 

"Baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight!"

Cheap thrills by Sia. Yeah, that is the song we were listening to. How do I know this? Afterlife knowledge? Pick your poison. The truth is sometimes disappointing. Moving on... 

"How long till we get there?" Toxy asks. 

"Don't now, but destiny will let us know" Ozly replies. 

"la la la la la la la la la la

That came from the radio. 

"Are you high again?" Toxy asks him. 

"Gotta do my hair, put my make-up on" -the radio.

"No more than you" came the reply. 

"It's Friday night and I won't be long". 

Does this channel replay the same song after it ends?

"Oh! Again with the insults". 

I can see how disgusted Toxy is right now. 

"Till I, hit the dance floor, hit the dance floor, I got all I need"-the radio.

"Stop now. I don't want us to fight like when we had the baby". -Sia

"No, I ain't got cash, I ain't got cash"- the radio again. 

"You started it. Stop with your passive-aggressive behavior".

"But I got you baby (Just you and me)"-you know what it is. 

"Okay, okay we're here," he says and stops the car. 

Toxy gets out and opens up the back door of the car. The place where I am currently. They seem to have completely forgotten about me amidst all this fighting. 

"Baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight"-Sia finally says through the radio before Ozly closed it. 

He got out. Not Sia, not Cheap thrills. It was just us now... 

                                          END OF CHAPTER 11

                                         CHAPTER 12 IS AVAILABLE FOR READING!!!

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