Living life I guess...

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I got down the stairs and I followed her

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I got down the stairs and I followed her. I don't know where are we going, but I don't care. She needs me with her, so, I'll follow her. We're together now. I don't care about anything else. 

For the first time, in a long time, if ever, I feel like I have someone in my life. Like I'm not alone. Actually, no, I've felt like this before, things didn't turn out so good. I don't know if it's a me problem, but it seems that I put my trust where I shouldn't. Another thing I don't know. I would like to... know, learn some things before I leave this world. To feel, older, wiser just like Bargas...  And Alida.                                                                                                                                                                        Alida... 

I want to visit that big park. The central park. Now I got Toxy. Perhaps... she can get me there. And show me... something... 

Something way bigger than myself, something large and mysterious. Something as vast as the world. Do you think the world is as big as this park? I don't know. I am so young, Bargas and Alida always said to me that we don't have a lot of time in this world. Not as long as humans. 

After this, I would like to go and witness some of it myself. 

With Toxy, she can help me do anything I want. I would do the same for her... 

One problem is this man, Ozly was it? I haven't met him just yet, but I would like to think that he's a good guy.

He is, right? Judging from Toxy and what I already know, and feel about her, he must be the second best human. With Toxy being always number one. 

Anyways, enough soul-searching, let's get back into my life.

We were walking down the street. She was in the middle and I was right beside her. Her left protector. I have a feeling someone else was guarding her against her knowledge. The knight to her right side. 

"Maybe I should wear you a leash. Maybe after we go and get one, what do you say?". 

There was no time for me to respond, she quickly added. 

"My father, he was always the responsible one in the family. I guess he had to, old strict rules you see". I see her look at a newsstand for some time. "He and my mother, they lived in the old times. Back in my country, my pop was buying every week the newspaper, and mum, oh my god, how much did I admire her? She was always trying to have a career of her own". 


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