It's time for her to let it all go.

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She was heading back to her apartment in New york. The one she used to stay with Ozly but "in here", Ozly was nowhere to be found.

She was walking back, not driving back as some of you would assume. She wanted to enjoy the Ney York sun on the good days.

She was listening to some good music to bring her spirits up. "Don't worry, be happy" by Bobby McFerrin always did a perfect job of that.

She returned with a happy spirit to the house. She opened the front door and walked straight inside surpassing her garden.

There, she found a found oddly familiar.

Sam? Samuel? Sebastian?

That very small, unimportant information she couldn't quite figure out.

Anyways, it doesn't matter. She has figured out her life and now she just had to live it.

She looked at him.

"What have you done today?" he asked him.

"Oh you know, I worked out, I cooked, and finished up my daily boring work stuff for tomorrow. In other words, the same usual boring stuff. You?".

"Uh, the same. We're just continuing our lovely yet boring simple lives".

"Yes we do," said Sebastian? and they huddled into an embrace...

They were in Central Park together. Walking, straddling along by their good spirits, talking about life.

"Is it okay to lie to protect yourself?" Toxy asks Sebastian? Samuel?

We'll go with Sebastian.

"That's such a great question" Sebastian admits. "I wish I knew the answer to that".

They were walking all over the park, but they now stopped to rest next to the big fountain.

"I don't want you to answer me anything" Toxy replies looking everywhere but him. "I'm... just... wondering!" she says slowly and then laughs feeling like the situation called for it.

Sebastian reflects for a moment upon it.

Toxy gets a sense that he's about to start but then he stops and rethinks it for a while longer.

"I... From my experience, I think this is a very ambiguous subject. I would say that it depends according to the circumstances... To further elaborate, when you're in a living or dying situation, sure. If it is good for you and works for you at the moment, it cannot hurt. Although, it could hurt if you let those same illusions distort you from reality and end up having the complete opposite outcome of what they were supposed to. If instead by calming you while keeping you aware of the danger, it only snoozes you like an animal during hibernation, then it does more damage than good in the long run".

"Living or dying situations uh?". Toxy seriously considered what he was talking about. "Like a robbery in a huge bank or a domestic violence kind of thing?".

"Yeah" Sebastian nodded sadly. "Unfortunately, those are part of it. Those are sometimes what could end up badly if you don't try to act upon them. Mentally I mean. I'm not saying to jump onto the thief during a robbery" Sebastian corrected.

"Yeah" Toxy replies smily. "I know what you mean, please continue" she motivated him.

"Getting back to the same thought process, you could say that some lies are necessary to protect someone's well-being. It does not always have to do about life or death situations but they can feel big and their weight enormous to the one who's getting through it. Something similar to that would be lying to someone else for the sake of your or a loved one's well-being. Domestic abuse can fit into that category".

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