So, is this my new life now?

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Yep! You heard that right. I've found myself a new home. And new masters to serve me. Ozly and Toxy, are very weird names. Anyway, let's see if I can adapt... 

Living in a house. After so many years in the streets, it feels so weird. It must be like the times Alida was talking about when the humans were the first to experience this kind of building. Stories say that before, back, way back, humans were living in a cave. 

Well, as strange as that must have been for them, as strange as it is for me now. 

Never mind, enough pondering half sleep-half awake, it's time to live again. 

I opened my eyes and I got off the stairs. It is time for me to observe the people who took me into this home to be their master. 

The place was awkwardly quiet at first but then I heard a strange sound coming from the alleyway. It sounded like a little squeak. I had to see what was going on... 

And there I am now, walking down the hall, approaching the front door with the imaginary courage that I always pretend to have upon facing the person who made that noise... 

I push with my paw the half-opened door and that is when I see her... 

I saw her sitting in a moving chair and looking at the sunrise. I saw something that I would later recognize as an iPad with a digital copy of a "book" and the same regular book right beside her. You're wondering how I know about this... The answer is tricky. I learned a lot of things after I died, but then, you know, death happened and I cannot do a lot of things with the things I learned... 

I surveyed the place to make sure that it was safe for me. I don't remember the neighborhood that they brought me to but now it looked to me like I was in a cottage on a beautiful farm. --Again, that's another thing I learned after my early death. Don't ask me how early because there is only one answer to that, and that is the following. Every non-godly life that ends is small and early because it's not an eternity. It's relatively small, difficult, and fragile, a life that only the psychologically prepared might handle. And my life was smaller (in length) than a human's, so... 

That was the last pit stop, I swear. Moving on... 

Toxy was still looking at the peaceful sun.

 This is a beautiful day. 

When some time passed and she realized that I woke up she turned to face me. 

"Oh, you up? Didn't notice" said and looked away. 

I thought she wasn't going to speak to me again but that silence stayed for one second and a half. 

"Not that something was on my mind that made me not notice you. You or everybody else" she said and I was sensing her nervousness. "I WAS FINE" she finally snapped at me and then crawled into her moving chair. "I... am okay," she said. "I know how the situation goes with your kind-DOGS!-I mean" she turned to look at me with the saddest eyes I've ever seen a human have. "You bark and you feel things" she completed. 

I feel things? I didn't understand what she meant by that. I stood there for a second and Toxy must have understood that I was confused because she finally explained.

"Emotions. They say dogs can feel people's emotions. They say dogs, you, are very sympathetic". 

Emotions? Sympathetic? These words, I haven't heard before but as soon as I did, they filled a gap in my heart AND my stomach like they were a perfect fit. I guess dogs are sympathetic animals. And I am a sympathetic dog. 

I jumped over to her lap and she held me. I must have been very large and heavy because she struggles to keep me onto her. The moving chair squealed and it seemed to me that Toxy was about to drop and fall on top of me but she held herself together and laughed. 

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