Chapter 55: The Tale of Yukitoshi Shimizu

Start from the beginning

Hajime sighs and says, "You sure you got the balls for that?"

"You're asking for it," Shimizu growls.

"Fine, fine what do you want?" Hajime asks.

Shimizu demands, "Give me your gun and all of your other weapons while you are at it."

Hajime says, "Yeah, I had a feeling that is how this was going to play out."

"Just hand them over," Shimizu shouts.

"Afraid, I cannot do that. Besides, if you take her back to the demons, they are just going to end up killing her anyway. So what is the point in me giving up my stuff, huh?" Hajime says.

Shimizu shouts, "Seriously man, the guns right now!"

At this point, Shea jumps forward and tackles Mrs. Hatayama and Shimizu. She manages to pull Mrs. Hatayama away from Shimizu. In the process of this Mrs. Hatayama is scratched by Shimizu's needle. As this is going on a bolt of water comes flying down from a nearby mountain. It comes from behind where Shimizu was holding Mrs. Hatayama hostage.

This water spell hits and goes straight through the stomach of Shimizu. It would have killed Mrs. Hatayama as well, if Shea had not tackled her out of the way. However, thanks to the quick action on Shea's part the attack completely missed Mrs. Hatayama. The only one that was injured by the attack was Shimizu.

Right after this water attack hits Shimizu, Hajime uses his demonic eye to locate where the attack came from. He then sends a flurry of shots at this area using his handguns. Moments after this, a figure can be seen flying off on a monster of some kind. Both the rider and the monster were hurt by Hajime's attacks. Hajime managed to shoot and destroy the arm of the rider, but did not kill him.

Now the monster has flown too high in the air for Hajime's shots to reach him. Yue and Tio are out of mana so they cannot do anything to help. For this reason, it seems that whoever is flying off is likely going to get away from them to report back to his master.

Unfortunately for the figure on the monster, Zane still has mana, having recovered all of it that he used during the fight already. For this reason, he sends a bolt of lightning into the sky. This lightning strikes the mount of the figure that was flying away. The bolt of lightning kills the flying monster on impact. The person that was riding it then falls into the waters of Urdea Lake.

Immediately upon hitting the water's surface, this man is grabbed and pulled beneath the water by powerful jaws. Then as the figure tries to get away from his attacker, he is ripped to shreds by the claws of Zane's merlion. This ends the life of the person that just tried to kill Mrs. Hatayama.

Back in Ur, with Shimizu now mortally injured and Mrs. Hatayama out of his grasp, Hajime walks over to her. Mrs. Hatayama has lost consciousness from the poison at this point. Zane is about to say that he can heal her, when he sees Hajime pour a liquid into his mouth from a vial. He then proceeds to kiss Mrs. Hatayama. While Zane knows that he is just giving her the medicine that he just poured in his mouth, Zane still finds this act very odd to see a student kissing his teacher.

Zane is not the only one as Nana, Yuka, and Taeko are all taken back by this as well. The three girls all let out audible gasps at the sight of Hajime kissing their teacher. Atsushi has a very different reaction as he gets a goofy grin on his face at seeing the sight.

Once Hajime has administered the medicine, Mrs. Hatayama recovers from the poison. She is then helped to her feet by Hajime. Once she is standing again, Hajime then turns to look upon the mortally injured Shimizu. It is obvious that he is going to die very soon if he is not given any medical attention.

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