Spider Liles

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Fanart by @GREYZONE_toujun on twitter

Made: July 28th 2022
Published: September 12th 2022

I've heard that spider lilies symbolize final goodbyes.

Isn't that interesting?

•Character Death


"Hey, Tommy?"

The blond looked at him and hummed in response.

"What do you think of Spider Lilies?"

The question caught him off-guard, "the flower?"

"No, Shroud." The brunette rolled his eyes, "yes the flower."

"I mean, they're nice I guess. I'm no flower expert though, you'd need to ask Hannah for stuff like that."

"A person I barely know and talk to them? In a world like this? Hell no."

"She's not that bad, Tubs. I've talked to her a few times before."

"...Then maybe. But since you're opinion matters to me more, I'll ask later... maybe."

"My opinion is final, no need to ask more."

"Then you pointed me in her way,

"I—" the taller crossed his arms, "fuck you."

The goat just had an amused look in his eyes, but no smile or laugh came out. Like it use to when he made a comment like that before.

Before a certain someone was forced out of their lives.

"Well, I've never actually seen them out n' about. They're red, spider looking things, right?"

"I imagine that's how they got their name," Tubbo said unhelpfully.

"I guess they're nice. I like spiders, and red flowers are usually pretty nice."

"So if I'd give you one, you'd keep it?"

"Take care of it the best I could."

Which, to be fair, was pretty good. He still has the alliums that a certain enderman hybrid gave him a few times. Even the ones he was given when a lot of people thought he was dead!

...He doesn't like to remember the fact he actually was.

"Good. I've been growing a few."

"Oh? Why?"

"...They're pretty."

He didn't know.

You can't blame him.

Tubbo-centric stories Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now