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Fanart by @flooorb_ on twitter

Made: May 21st 2022
Published: June 6th 2022

On contrast to _Beloved fluff, I will now be giving you angst.

•Dead character
•Suicidal thoughts


He groaned as he heard the baby crying. The taller hybrid next to him sighed before sitting up.

"I'll get it."

The brunette nodded and remained in the bed.

Those kinds of things happened a lot. Whenever their son needed something, Ranboo was always the first to get it. The goat hybrid didn't mind, he was always a bit nervous around a kid. How was his husband so good at taking care of one when he didn't even remember his own parents? Well, neither did the brunette, but still!

Kids were harder to take care of than he thought. He enjoyed Micheal's company whenever the other went out on another mining trip, or spent the night at his old home, or went to meetings for whatever 'book club' thing he was in.

Tubbo well knew that it wasn't a book club, but he trusted the other. So it was fine.

He felt like he was burdening his family. Not taking care of Micheal, at least to the extent the older hybrid was, let alone not taking care of himself? The only person he's been showing consideration for wasn't even in his immediate family! He was adopted, and the person he focuses the most on was his best friend.

Could you blame him? He's hurt the blond in ways he didn't think he'd ever do. Making up for it would take up his whole life! So he has to at least try for as long as he could, but it caused him to neglect others.

Guilt just piles up, but he can't just leave Tommy to himself. The brunette came over often, and it helped him! The taller was doing much better than being on his own.

But it caused him to miss his own family. The preference that his son has over the enderman than him showed something. The always trying to find him for approval of things and praise since the goat wasn't around enough to just play with him.

The young adult already hated himself, but now it just got worse.

He tried staying home more often. To hang out with his family more, going on more walks and dates with his husband, playing with his son. Something in him built up a wall, though. He couldn't make himself grow more attached to them... just in case.

Then, he started to hang around less again.

The wall.

That's what was to blame.

The wall that saved him countless times over in the past, is making him be a terrible person.

Why was it still there? Didn't it get the memo that wars are over? That peace is allowed now? Why couldn't it go away?

He'll never know.

He sure as hell wish he figured it out earlier.

The news hit him like a truck. Then his son going missing? That was... like he was just stuck by lightning right after getting hit.

Sure! He saved his son from the hands of the weird twisted prison "guard", but it didn't deserve praise.

He couldn't even do it on his own! It was HIS son, and he couldn't even do something any decent parent would and save his son.

Well, it was more like the dual colored's son than his own, but he still does love the baby pigmen regardless. But... now he was to take care of the child on his own.

How would he do that when he was barely able to before?


The goat stirred in his bed to look at the open door, "yeah Mikey?"

"...Can't sleep... and Boo is somewhere else. Can I stay with you...?"

The brunette smiled softly and nodded, "sure, bud. C'mon."

The kid got into his bed and snuggled up against his father. The older looked down at his child, his, no one else's. Not anymore, at least.

He can't just keep ignoring his kid. He needs to take care of him.

Micheal is now his new reason to live. Until he's old enough to do things on his own, he has to live for the baby pigmen.

Just until he's old enough.

Tubbo didn't visit Micheal nearly as much as Ranboo did. On stream, that is.

So I just... idk, angst.

Hope you enjoyed :D

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