Good Morning

411 20 2

Fanart by @Aintgotskill on twitter

Made: June 8th 2022
Published: June 22nd 2022

Good fluff for the sadness of angst :D

The door opened with a creak and Tubbo, being a light sleeper, heard it. He looked up, tired, but bracing himself if it's someone he'd need to fight.

But, there was no need.

It was just Micheal.

The baby pigmen saw his papa up and smiled before making his way over to his parent's bed. The brunette sluggishly sat up and helped the younger onto the bed.

"Mornin' bud, what got you up so early?"

It was rare for the goat to not be the first one awake, and even rarer for the one awake first to be the youngest in their family. It seemed it had been one of the rare days he slept in, which made both of his other family members not have an alarm to wake them up early. It was 10 in the morning.

"Hungry," the child whined.

The older smiled softly, "okay then. Give me a sec, and let Boo sleep in for a bit, okay? They had a long day yesterday."

The kid nodded and jumped off the bed. To be honest, the young adult was surprised on how the multicolored hadn't woken up yet because of the noise. But they're different when it comes to sleeping, and the oldest spent most of the day mining. They came home a bit past 11 and had to smelt the items they brought back, as well as storing away the extra stone they got in chests. So, they went to sleep around 2 am. Which isn't really that late, but it was for them.

Their child left the room and the goat smiled softly at the young adult next to him on the bed before getting off himself and going to the bathroom.

Micheal went back to his room and smiled when his chicken came to him. The kid loves his chicken, and the chicken loved him. His papa told him that the chicken's name was Benson, and he thought it was a weird name but it was nice. He fed his chicken and played with it until he heard a knock on his door.

He went to open it and saw his papa, "c'mon Mikey. We're gonna make breakfast together today."

The pigmen's eyes lit up and he nodded excitedly. He was never up to watch his papa make breakfast, and it always tasted good. Then, helping him do make it? That sounded like so much fun! He wanted to learn to make food like his fathers, anyway.

Ranboo yawned as they sat up. They looked at time and saw it was a quarter past 11. It seemed as if they slept in. Meaning, if they slept in, then everyone in his family amusingly slept in as well.

However, that wasn't the case when they let their arm out to feel the other side of the bed where their lover would have been, only to feel no one there. They sat up and saw that the door was open and shining light into the room from the hallway. They covered his eyes at it before sitting up.

The bathroom door was also open, it was a silent indicator that one of them had used it in the morning as they normally kept it shut during the night. The multicolored didn't question it when the smaller did it, but they assumed it was because there was a window in that bathroom and they were paranoid about anyone opening it from the outside.

They were a bit happy that the did that at the moment, as they knew there was nothing to really worry about. The indications that it was one of them rather than someone breaking in was nice to not scare them into thinking their family is hurt. If the younger was up, then their son was probably with him. They just didn't wake them up, for some reason. But they're okay, that's all that matters.

"I know that you don't feel heat pains, but stop trying to eat them off the pan, Mike!" The taller spoke in a, playful, scolding tone.

The pigmen huffed as it ate the freshly made pancake he took from the pan. It wasn't his fault that his papa cooked good! He didn't want to wait for it, how could he when he could smell it right there? Now he understands why his fathers keep him asleep when they make breakfast.

The goat hybrid sighed as he kept his son away from the finished pancakes. The little troublemaker he was. However, he couldn't really be upset by that. Not just because of his child's cuteness, but also because he was similar to him. Maybe Micheal is just copying what he knows, knowing that both his fathers could cause trouble and be small annoyances to others for fun, as well.

The brown haired heard footsteps coming down the stairs, but he knew who they belonged too. After all, of course he would know what his husband's footsteps sounded like. If any footstep sound he had to keep in his brain it would be his family's so he knew no intruder was walking around the house.

He wasn't surprised when he felt the arms wrap around his waist and the feeling of a head on his own. The tail wrapping around his leg just made him smile softly.

"Morning, Boo."

The taller hummed a response.

"Still sleepy?"

They hummed again to confirm.

"Well, to bad. You're gonna be awake now, we let you sleep more."

A groan escaped the older, "how much longer have I been asleep than you...?"

"Almost 2 hours. It's fine, we all slept in a bit today. Maybe stop coming home so late from mining."

"Maybe if the person I was mining for didn't use up our iron at such a shocking pace, I wouldn't need to be down there so much."

"Hoppers aren't cheap. And neither am I. You signed up for this when we got married, I made my intentions clear."

"I want a divorce."

"Guess this food is just mine and Mike's then. Starve."

"What? Noooooo..." the two-toned put more of their weight on the other.

"Nope. No ex of mine deserves to have my perfectly well-made food."

"Then get out of the mansion I paid for."

"It's under my name as well. You just do the paying for the stuff. Sides, like you'd beat me in a battle, let alone a legal one."

"...I hate logic. Why'd we sign it under your name."

"Maybe cause it's in my land? Paying for things is nice, but this is where I live. Just how it be."

"Why the law be like this?"

"It is what it is. Just gotta deal, bossman."

During their conversation and daily argument of getting a divorce, which was bound to come up at least 1 more time throughout the rest of the day, Tubbo finished making the pancakes. He internally groaned at the sight of the mixing bowl with the rest of what remained on it and how he had to clean it later.

The youngest was waiting excitedly in his chair in the dining room as he saw his plate of pancakes get set down in front of him. It seemed that his dad was lazy that morning, as the brunette also carried him over and put him down in a chair before going back to grab their own plates.

After eating, the smaller young adult washed their plates, and the things he used to make their food. He'd rather just do them right then rather than letting it pile up and have no want to do them ever again.

Maybe it's getting around time to have Micheal help with chores....

He sighed and finished drying the last plate and putting it away. He walked over to the living room and saw his husband and son playing with cars that the goat had recently made for Micheal.

He smiled seeing his family just... being normal. Nothing big going on, nothing to really worry about. Just them being happy family.

He hopes for this to last as long as possible.

_Beloved family fluff is just good for the soul. I love writing it, people love reading it, it's a win-win.

Hope you enjoyed

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