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Fanart by @clumxyy_ on twitter or @0PWHH on twitter, idk they did a collab with this art.

Made: June 16th 2022
Published: July 4th 2022

Tommy tells Tubbo what happened at exile after being granted "freedom" from Dream.

•Mentions of suicide and attempted


Tubbo sighed as he laid in his bed. It was empty, it felt empty without... someone being there.

The brunette missed him terribly.

However, his wallowing in sadness was so rudely interrupted by very loud knocking on the doors downstairs.

His tired body didn't want to get up, it really didn't want to do anything anymore, but once he went to the window and saw that it was a familiar blond at his door, he rushed down.

Why would he knock so loudly?

Did something happen?

Is he in danger?

Who do I need to kill?

He opened the door, "why are you knocking so much? Who do I need to kill?"







"Wait— I missed something, what happened? Free from what?"


"Free from him? In what way are we speaking?"

"WELL— not really mentally or emotionally, but like... in terms of him holding things over my head."

"Huh. Good for you man? I don't know what you want from me."

"I came to rant about being free to my best friend, duh."

"Oh. Rant away, but come in first. I don't want you to be frozen at my entrance when you're a free man."

The younger nodded as he followed the other in the mansion. The goat leading him towards the direction of the couch.

The room was strangely clean, like— weirdly clean. It use to feel homely, but now? It just feels empty. It made the blond sad that his best friend was stressed, and that happened to show in apparently stress cleaning. However, he hopes he can get the thoughts off the other's mind.

The brunette went to the kitchen and grabbed a can of coke before tossing it to the other. The taller caught it and opened it happily, not having one in awhile.

"Right, big man. Rant away."

"Okay, so, I was with Wil—"

Tubbo-centric stories Pt. 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant