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Fanart by @BubbleTeaHour on twitter

Made: June 16th 2022
Published: July 2nd 2022

Quackity managed to get the revive book from Dream and brought back a certain someone.

"Bee, Mike, you both need to get off, I have a meeting to go to!"

"No!" The youngest said as he was sprawled out on top of his dad.

"Nah, we're keeping you here," Tubbo said as he was sat on his husband's back.

"Guys, please! Techno will get mad if I'm late again—"

"Let him be. Last I checked, you had a family to stay with," the goat crossed his arms.

"Bee, you know I love you, but I have other things to do in life. And they're to protect you!"

"I don't really need protecting, do I? I can take care of myself. And Mikey here is growing strong too."

The pigmen nodded happily when his name was mentioned, "to protect Bee and Boo!"

The enderman sighed, "I appreciate the fact that you both love me, but please—"

"Nope. We're staying here, Techno can suck it," the shorter young adult crossed his arms in defiance.

A huff was heard from the youngest, agreeing with his papa.

The tallest sighed, "why do you do this to me?"

"You're the one who wanted to spend more time with the family, this is your own fault."

"...How dare you twist my words for your own benefit."

"Will not be the last time. 'Sides, you do it to me too."

"S'not my fault you don't take breaks."

"And s'not my fault that you don't either."

"...We tend to overwork ourselves, don't we?"

"Different reasons, but yes. Now we suffer the consequences."

The eldest was about to say something before a knock was heard on the door. It made the brunette stiffen a bit by the sudden noise, or the idea of who it could be.

Is Techno coming to get him?

"Bee, Mike, off. I'll get it."

"Nah nah, it's chill," he hopped off and looked at his son, "you stay here and make sure he doesn't escape, alright bud?"

The kid nodded and made a small salute. The younger adult smiled and walked towards the door, opening it cautiously.

All that caution seemingly going away at the moment he saw who was at the door.

"Hey, Tubs," Quackity waved wearily, "he uh, wanted to visit..."

"Tubbo! My right hand man, look how different you are!"


Why is he here...?!

Why is he alive?!?!

No words came out of his mouth, he was frozen. He didn't know what to do.

"My my, you've made quite the life for yourself, huh? Could hardly believe when Quackity told me this was your place! When'd you get so rich? Wouldn't mind sharing, would ya?"

Tubbo-centric stories Pt. 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن