Random Questions

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Fanart by @SleepyAow on twitter

Made: May 8th 2022
Published: May 31st 2022

This is a way to get all these random facts and questions out of my head.

"You've been spacing out for a bit, what's going on in your mind?" The enderman asked.


"Spacing out, just staring at random stuff, I don't know! What's going on in that brain of yours?"

"Oh!" The bee spoke, "well, mans been thinking."

"No duh. About what though?"

"My wings."

That confused the taller, "your wings? Why? Is there something wrong with them?"

"Not that I know of. But like— where do they come from? How do they work? Like, I can use them, but how do they really work? Like, what muscles am I moving to make them flap? Why don't they work like Phil's or Tommy's wings? Is it cause they look different? Are made of different things? Well, obviously, but still..."

"I— not sure. I don't have wings."

"No you don't.... OH! HOWEVER" a sudden idea entered him, "YOU HAVE A TAIL!"

"Uh," the dark colored's tail flicked, "yeah? But how is that related to wing?"

"They both have weird muscle things that give us the ability to move them! I would never know what it's like to have a tail, I mean, where does it grow from? I've always wondered what it would be like to have one! They're pretty different from stingers! Although, I guess my stingers are different from normal ones. But we don't have an exactly ability to move them regardless! How does it work?! Can I try to figure it out?! You're one of the only enderman's of the world to have one, are you a different breed?! Are you a hybrid? Are you just a mistake in genetic code? What part of you adapted to have that?! What—"

"Woah there, bee boy. One question at a time," the taller backed up as the excitement just overflowed in the other.

The bee's antennas moved as he flew up and a bit away, now noticing his rapid movement of getting closer.

"Sorry, bossman, but I'm curious. Why do you have a tail though? That's a main question I have."

"I thought this was about your wings," the enderman spoke as she crossed her arms.

"We'll get back to that, or, I'll get back to that later. I wanna know about you, big man. What's your biology n' shit?"

"Uh, well, there are some of us who have them. It's not very common, but some of us do. It's pretty rare, most of us who do have tails are actually in the end though."

"What's the chances of having tails?"

"About as rare as humans having grey eyes, I think."

"That's cool, but how do you make them move? Is it something that you can control? Or does it move based on emotions?"

"Uh," the taller had to ponder for a bit, "I think a bit of both? I can control it when I try to, but it mostly does it's own thing."

"That makes sense... do you think all tails work like yours?"

"Maybe not all... but probably most. It's like an instinct thing, I guess."

"That's fair. It's kinda like our antennas, we can move those with emotions, instincts, and manually as well."

"What about your wings? Do they run by them all as well?"

"No," a small laugh came out of the bee, "if our wings ran by emotions, then flying would be a lot more difficult. Fluttering faster when I get angry? God, that lead to a disaster. We control them manually, but instinct can affect it. Like— where we fly or some shit."

"So you know why they work and how to work your wings, but not how you have them?"

"Yes! It's hard to get. They're confusing. I don't even know enough of my own biology to see how the hell my wings grew out. Let alone how bees like me exist from our original small selves."

"Yeah, how do you explain that one?"

"Hybrid? I don't know how that would biologically be possible, but who knows. The bee movie had to get the idea from somewhere," he shrugged.

"Humans are capable of many things... but I don't think that's possible even for them," the enderman spoke.

"True that. Guess my origin will forever be a mystery. Yours is pretty solvable, just rare traits you got going."

"No more mysteries then? Can we sleep now? It's late and questioning the existence of our traits took up the rest of the time we had left in the day."

The bee sighed, "fine, fine. Sleep time it is."

The two went to their bed (I'm pretty sure beeduo said that their marriage transferred over to origins), but that didn't stop the random questions from rushing through the brunette's mind.

Why he started questioning things? He didn't know, nor did he care. All he wanted was the answers to the new questions.

Why do frogs drink water from their skin?

Is that why they're all slime-y— well, not slime. Is that why they're covered in mucus? Because of them drinking water?

And whales! How the hell did they turn into what they are now compared to what they use to be? They had legs in the past! They were 4 legged creatures!

Flamingos don't really make sense either. Pink fuckers with walking canes as legs? What's their deal?

Giraffes also don't make sense. What the hell caused them to have those long-ass necks?!

"Hey... Boo?" He spoke softly, in fear that the enderman actually was almost asleep but now wasn't because of him.

"Hm...?" The response was tired, but there.

"...Do you think there are plant hybrids...?"

"... What...?"

"Plant hybrids..."

"...Aren't they a common thing...? Plant hybrids are something humans did awhile back ago in science or something..."

"No— not like that! I mean, plants mixed with people or animals?"

"... How would that even be genetically possible?"

"Humans force some weird stuff."

The older couldn't really argue with that, "indeed they do. But why are you asking?"

"I was wondering if a plant hybrid mixed with a human or animal would still be able to photosynthesize?"

The bee truly had some odd thoughts running through his brain.

"I mean, since that's a plant thing, I guess...? Why?"

"I'm just curious if they'd even need sleep. Plants don't really do that? Would they end up dying in winter as well? Or at least in a lot of pain?"

"I... no clue, Tubs. Can we just sleep...."

"... But I wanna know."

"And I don't have answers for you. Goodnight." The enderman pulled a blanket over her head.

How dare she—

Do you ever wish that humans could photosynthesize?

What? No.

I do. I think it'd be cool to be a plant.


Hope you enjoyed

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