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Fanart by @whipserxu9290 on twitter

Made: June 27th 2022
Published: July 20th 2022

This was inspired by "So.. Tubbo has become bee" by Casserole :D on YouTube.

It's going to happen soon. I feel it.

The brunette could feel himself becoming more sluggish as time went on. He hated it, he didn't like feeling constantly tired.

People were noticing as well.

Recently, the shulk was able to befriend this snob enderman princess. Going around thinking she was better than everyone! It was annoying, but soon, he was able to get it into the thick head that held up a crown that everyone there was their own people. That she couldn't refer to them as subjects because she held no power of royalty over them.

It took months to get the enderman to even see them as less than peasants below her.

But now? It was a clear evident that she cared for the shulk.

Tubbo was happy that he was able to make the princess want friends, to realize there's more to life than just being above everyone. No surprise, the enderman had a rough life. Such as is with royalty, but it caused her to be stuck up. Now a commoner shulk was able to show her the better parts of life.

However, because they were so close, the taller seemed to notice when he started getting less... energetic. Less enthusiastic to creating new builds, to machinery, to just... everything! The shulk brushed it off as seeing that he might need to tone things down, as he can be a bit much sometimes, which technically wasn't wrong.

However, it started becoming more obvious. He started visibly showing how tired he was, eyes gaining bags, going to sleep for longer, being a lot more sluggish, not as energetic around people.

Everyone was getting worried at that point.

He's tried to hide it for as long as he could, but he knew it was coming soon.

"It" is basically cocooning. 

It was something all shulks did, at a certain age, they were stuck in their boxes and couldn't come up until... well, they either changed, or stayed the same.

It was strange, it made no sense scientifically, but... it just became widely accepted as a thing that just happened.

Soon, it would be his turn. He could feel it.

Once he started feeling more sluggish, he started pushing to do things as much as he could. Getting redstone machines done, despite not having the energy or motivation to do so. Building out his base, more for the convenience of the other person who lived in his base while he wouldn't be able to do anything for a bit.

He was trying to do as much in as little time as he could. However, people noticed.

"Tubz," Tommy sounded concerned, "you look tired. This can wait, I don't need an automatic farm now."

"No, it's fine. I can do it."

"Thanks for helping me make this farm, I really don't know anything about redstone, but you know you really didn't have to if it wore you out so much," Wilbur spoke with concern.

"Nah, it's fine Wil. I like to help as much as I can when I'm needed. Of course, not for free."

"Thanks for fixing that up for me Tubbo, it's been a pain in the ass. But you really didn't have to, you look like you're gonna pass out. Why not get some rest?" Jack suggested.

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