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Fanart by @Bexie93272336 on twitter

Made: June 4th 2022
Published: June 14th 2022

Tubbo gets sick but he doesn't know what breaks are :P

"Hey, Bee? You feeling ok?"

The brunette froze up by that question, "yeah, why?"

"You just seem a bit sluggish than normal. Don't look to well, either. I was just worried. Is there anything on your mind that put you in a bad mood?"

"Not... as of recently. I think your eyes are playing tricks on you, bossman."

The taller frowned, "maybe. Just, let me know if you're not feeling well, okay love?"

The goat nodded, "sure thing, boo boy. I'm gonna go get honey from the bees. Haven't done that in awhile, there's probably a lot."

"Alright, don't overwork yourself."

The shorter didn't say anything but waved as he went to the higher floors on the mansion.

Once he reached a higher floor, he sighed. However, that unfortunately caused a coughing spell to overcome him. His throat was very sore, and that made his voice a bit raspier than he wanted. He was doing his absolute best to hide it when his husband started asking.

Truth be told, he isn't okay. That bit was pretty obvious. He felt hot and cold at the same time, he was coughing a lot, and his nose was stuffy! It was just a cold so it was nothing serious, but it still sucked.

Trying to hide it from someone who you lived with was hard in it's own right. When he woke up, he knew he was sick. He just didn't want to get anyone else sick. It happened from a combination of overwork and probably the snow considering he was outside the entire day before making a machine out there. It was more for his own benefit than practicality, but he had his mind set on it. It's hard to convince him to do anything else when that happens.

He doesn't want to hang around his lover or son and get them sick as well, though. Ranboo was more than likely to be willing to make him feel better in any way that the smaller wanted, but he wouldn't do that to the older. Whenever he's sick, he gets clingy. He's known that since he was sick sometimes when around Tommy in the past.

Jeez, I haven't been sick in a long time.

So if he gets clingy, something that the taller would 100% be okay with, it'll cause the other to be closer to him. Therefore, higher likelihood of getting sick.

He didn't want that.

I didn't even notice that I was paler. Jeez.

The enderman hybrid was concerned. They knew that their husband liked to keep quiet whenever something was remotely bothering him, they didn't know if this was another one of those situations.

But the more they thought about, the higher likely it was. The brunette looked like he was sweating, and it's cold as hell, even in the mansion. That was a sign, but with the paler color of skin? The other wasn't okay.

They sighed as they looked at where the younger had left.

Why do you do this to yourself.

Even though he wanted to, he knew there would be no use in trying to get him out of doing some work. Might as well let him deal with the bees before trying his best to get him to rest.

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