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Fanart by @theangelincarn1 on twitter

Made: June 5th 2022
Published: June 16th 2022

Tubbo is someone who the enderwalk cares about. So whenever Ranboo's in that state, he often just... follows Tubbo around.

Tubbo yawned as he placed redstone on the ground. The machine he was building was almost done.

He hasn't gotten around to making the machines within the mansion that he wanted, so, he's mainly just getting the ones that would be the most convenient. It was quite late though, sleeping normally takes less priority in his brain when he's focused on something.

He may be tired, but he won't let that stop him! It's for his families own practicality anyway, so why would he? If he finishes this, then they don't need to go out to the potato farm in the snow and harvest it while risking frostbite! Then he could work on different type of farms after.

The goat sighed as he continued his work. His was busy on his project that he didn't hear the teleporting noise behind him. That was until he felt a hand on his shoulder which caused him to, quite literally, jump and grabbed a weapon. He turned to the person as fast as he could while clutching it.

The multicolored he saw when he turned around caused him to let out a relieved sigh, "goddamnit, Boo. Don't scare me like that."

The taller didn't say anything back, just let out a small enderman noise as the other put the weapon away.

"Need anything?"

Another chirp followed.

He looked up at the older's face and then saw the familiar purple eyes on him, "oh. Sleepwalking mode or whatever. Hello."

The dual colored let out another noise that borderline sounded like they said "hello" back. It caused the smaller to laugh a bit, causing the other's tail to wag in happiness.

"You just going to wander around today or stick with me again?"

He knew it was pointless in getting an answer, but those were to two things they did when in this state. Why not ask. Besides, most people talk to things that can't understand them, like pets or stuffed animals when they're young, so it's not exactly uncommon.

The two-toned let out another chirp before taking his hand, tail still wagging happily behind them. Some part of Tubbo wanted to combust from the adorable sight of his husband, but he just smiled sweetly.

"Alright then. Just don't get in the way of the build, alright?"

It seemed as if the other understood.

The shorter got back to working on his project and the dual-toned trailed behind him in his work. Unlike Ranboo, this version of him doesn't really stop him whenever it's late. Mostly because it only comes out at that time and is most likely thrilled to see another person, especially him, awake when they are. While the other version of him would scold him for being awake and try his best at dragging him to bed.

Although the taller isn't stronger than the brunette was, man was the guy persistent. Normally annoyed the goat into giving in. It worked about 70% of the time since they're both pretty persistent in things they do. But it's still a high likelihood.

The enderwalking version of his husband seemed to be clingy, a lot more clingy than the normal version of him is. It's not like he minds it, he deals with Tommy's clinginess as well, it can just get in the way of things he wants to do sometimes. He normally just waits until the normal Ranboo comes back to get started.

However, they can be useful. The enderwalk normally listens to him, as they can understand him but he can't understand them, and helps him out with reaching things higher up, putting things together more higher up, when the normal version would be to scared to do it in fear of messing it up. It's a fair reason, but help is nice every now and then. Not worth giving his lover anxiety, but just nice.

He heard a yawn come from the older and looked at the window. It was becoming daytime, so more around the time where the sleepwalking version would go to sleep and normal version came back. The brown haired smiled and moved to the taller, placing a hand on their cheek.

"Thanks for the help."

A happy chirp was let out as they sleepily leaned into the hand. The younger knew the drill, whenever the enderwalk was tired, it wanted to be as close to him as possible. It's either a protective thing, or territorial thing. Either way, he doesn't mind it.

So, he scooped up the multicolored and carried them to the couch, considering it was the closest comfortable place to lay down at. The half and half colored hugged him and nuzzled into his hair. The brunette just smiled and waited.

It wasn't long until they went to sleep, so the brown haired just slowly got up and looked at his sleeping husband.

He smiled, "you're so cute in any version of you, s'not fair..." he planted a kiss on the other's forehead before going back to his farms.

Beeduo fluff :>

Hope you enjoyed

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