No more

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Fanart by @greyliss_ on twitter

Made: May 27th 2022
Published: June 8th 2022

Takes place back when Quackity wanted to execute Ranboo.

Did I really...?

The thought was rolling through his head the entire time.

He wouldn't know, he didn't know.

He was a traitor? To someone who has been so kind to him, despite being a bit of an ass from time to time, but still treated him with respect?

Even after it was said he was a traitor, he still defended him!

He betrayed him.

Not knowingly, but it still happened! Why did the president just— accept it and move on?!

It happened before, once the enderman came clean about also helping in the destruction of George's house, but nothing happened to him while he was stood up for and protected despite doing something wrong!

Why does this keep happening to him?! It shouldn't! He doesn't deserve the world's forgiveness for every little thing, he shouldn't be excused from these things when others weren't! It wasn't fair to anyone! Not even him!

He didn't want to be a traitor though, but does that make it fair? To all the things that's happened in the past, to those who've been blamed for being a traitor even though they didn't want to and only he gets to get away with it?

He's a traitor for a different reason, though.

He chose people, not sides. That's what they should've been doing from the start!

But does he really have a right to input an opinion when he wasn't around for it...?

"How is this man going to preach about loyalty, Tubbo, I'm—"

Was that Quackity?

Is he... talking about me..?

"Tubbo, we need to get him executed, he needs to fucking die."

The multicolored's eyes widened at that. Sure, he did something horrible, but... execution? Did anyone really have the power to even pull one of those off? Dying in a painful way for something that he couldn't control with his memory loss...

No. He's just making excuses for himself. If his role is to be executed for his crimes, so be it.

"You want to execute Ranboo."

The brunette that the dual colored grown so fond of, now speaking of his execution. Despite them being close, despite him being the only one to stay near the goat's side during his struggles with Tommy.

No. This isn't about yourself, he didn't betray me. I betrayed him.

"I want to execute Ranboo. How is he preaching about loyalty, Tubbo, when he goes and talks to everyone behind your back!"

He's right. Just agree, please Tubbo.

"I mean, you got to bear in mind, the guy has real bad memory issues. These are just— look, read through them," I forgot I didn't have that memory book anymore... "I know it was unspeakable, but he may have just not remembered what side he was on."

I didn't choose a side, you should know that, Tubbo.

"Remember WHAT, Tubbo! You cannot—"

"What— no, no, no, no, no! Hear me out, I've known Ranboo for a very long time, okay, and ever since he joined I've spoken to him nearly every day. Just read through it, it's his thoughts and feelings, it's like a diary."

"I don't care, Tubbo, I don't care. I'm sick of traitors. I'm sick of everyone betraying you and you turning a blind eye to that fact! Ranboo is just another traitor, that's just it! I'm sick of everyone betraying us, Tubbo, I'm sick of everyone betraying you!"

Has he turned a blind eye to traitors before...?

"Dream said it to you! Shit like this can't keep passing us by, it cannot keep happening. We have to— he's a traitor Tubbo."

"Yeah, sure, but is lock up not good enough? Execution seems well to extreme. In this case especially."

The tone he was using was odd, the tall hybrid couldn't put a finger on it as he listened.

"It doesn't matter, Tubbo. People keep betraying you! I made that hit list for Dream, and now he did everything— Tubbo, I don't want this to keep happening to you."

"...What are you suggesting?"



The yell of the smaller hybrid made him finch, but what were the meaning behind the words? Has an execution happened before?

"He DECORATED the festival. He will be MURDERED in his own decorations. Does that not sound familiar? Does that maybe sound like, maybe, something that's happened before? Can you— I don't know if it's just me, that remembers that, do you realize that that maybe has happened? Under someone else's administration? Someone who we swore to never be like?"

The two-toned didn't know much about the previous presidents there have been, but did one really execute someone? And leave that big of a mark on them to swear to never have it happen again?

"Y'know, the fact that... y'know? Why don't we blow him up with a ROCKET LAUNCHER! Maybe that would get the cogs moving in your head a little bit. If you execute Ranboo, Big Q. That will be treason."

"Tubbo, Tubbo—"

"No. This is my final word. Nothing happens to Ranboo, got that?"

"... Yes. Glad we could have this talk."

He heard the brunette sigh, to be fair, he's never heard him get angry before. Now he did.

"I'm sorry you had to hear all that."

The two-colored flinched at that.

"You can stop hiding, Ranboo. I know you're there."

Shyly, the taller got out from where he was, "sorry..."

"It's fine," the smaller then handed him a book, "might need it back for future reference. Y'know, to not let it happen again."

"Right, sorry," the older's tail swung behind him.

"Don't go making me regret protecting you, got that boo boy?"

"Aw, and I thought you were repaying all the times I've been there for you."

"Don't worry memory boy, don't die and we'll have time to repay that."

The enderman smiled, "sounds good to me."

Last minute slap in the face of reality for y'all in the last part :>

Hope you enjoyed

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