Pit Fight

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Fanart by @spongeache on twitter

Made: May 15th 2022
Published: June 2nd 2022

It has been brought to my attention that when Tommy and Techno fought in the pit, Tubbo and Niki went off and hid. So now I will make angst of it :D

"I think your forgetting that he literally betrayed us!" The blond shouted at the tall brunette.

He could barely tell that his best friend was yelling. His ears were ringing so much, he was in so much pain. Why were they arguing?

Oh yeah, Techno shot him with a firework.

Shouldn't he be hating the pig hybrid right now?

A pair of hands grabbed his own and he looked up at them. His vision was blocked in one eye and the other was pretty bloody, but was able to see the familiar blonde hair of one of his friends.

She spoke, but he couldn't exactly hear what she said. Luckily, his spy side kicked in and allowed him to be able to read her lips.

"I'm just happy you're alive, Tubbo."

He smiled, but immediately forced his mouth down as it just shot another wave of pain in his face.

"Thanks..." he groaned out.

He wasn't completely aware of what was happening, he was in to much pain and his ears couldn't really pick up anything.

Normally having non-human ears would be a good thing, but when you're blown up in a close distance to an explosion?


While you have hypersensitive ears?

That's no good thing at all.

He didn't notice when the taller brunette spoke and made everyone shut up to allow the goat to speak.

"Tubbo, tell Tommy how much you fucking hate him. I wanna see them fight."

Selfish fucker.

But seeing a fight would be fun.

The injured just handed a few of the weapons he had on him to the angry blond.

"Tell them how you feel, Tubbo."

In pain. So much fucking pain. God, and I thought my migraines were bad.

"How much you hate that man, look at him, he murdered you in front of a crowd. Tell him how much you hate him."

I don't though...

"Yeah... screw you."

Curse himself for being a yesman.

He could feel the disappointment radiating off of the taller next to him. He knew the man was going crazy, but he couldn't do anything about it. He was getting enough done to him being under... his administration. Now he was ordered to be executed as was by his administration.

Man, screw ram hybrids. He hated how similar he was to them.

"Tell him how much you hate him," the older brown haired just kept repeating.

Stop being a instigating fuck.

"It took me by surprise."

It did. That was the truth. He was suppose to be safe. They lied to him. It wasn't just Techno who betrayed them, it was Wilbur and Tommy as well.

He could never blame Tommy, though.

But they were suppose to keep him safe. He wasn't supposed to die. Especially by his own allies hand.

Tubbo-centric stories Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now