Higher Beings

462 22 6

Fanart by @username027543 on twitter

Made: June 23rd 2022
Published: July 8th 2022

Ranboo's a god, but takes an interest in Tubbo.

An au where Wilbur didn't blow up Manberg, but did unalive himself and Tommy is prez.

Tubbo didn't believe it at first.

I mean, who would? Being someone who never really cared to believe in God, let alone more than one, it was odd.

The brunette sat in a forest. He rarely got down-time with the issues of taking down the things that the previous president left behind, and the paperwork of being VP to his best friend.

The goat really cares for the taller, but he seems to be taking on a lot. During Wilbur's presidency, he got the least of the paperwork out of the three of them. Now? He's seeing how much there really was, while before he just had to sign a few papers once a week.

The hybrid was use to paperwork, so he didn't mind cutting in some of his best friend's work. The previous president he worked under didn't really do them himself. He looked over them, but he never did the signing. That was either him, or Quackity, who was his VP.

Now? He can just rest in a forest that he went to a lot back when he was a secretary. No one really knew about it, he snuck off to it in the past. With flowers he's been growing for years, over time animals coming around towards it. He loved nature, but nowadays? Even more so.

He was executed. Blown up with fireworks by an ally. Someone who was suppose to be on his side, but still killed him.

He couldn't afford to be mad, but he wanted to be. Now? It just became so normal to brush it off that he could no longer feel angry about it. Just, sad that it happened.

Nowadays, when people see the scars of what was left behind by it, they had one of three reactions.

They were either scared by the way he looked,

pitied him for what he went through to get them,

or stayed away from him. As if he had a disease.

He's treated differently now. Even though he has a bit of political power with being VP, he was treated as if he was underneath everyone.

It wasn't exactly something he wasn't use to, but that didn't mean he liked it.

But animals? They still treated him the same. They didn't run from him, they didn't show disgust, they weren't afraid of him, well... at least not afraid of him at the same reasons other people were.

The bees still enjoyed his company, which was a massive relief. He was afraid to lose them, he loved them all so much. He enjoyed helping them out and that they trust him enough to do so.

The bees were happy whenever he came. In hives, there were normally female bees. As the male bees only have the purpose of breeding the bees, more importantly the queen, then their use becomes not needed. They get casted out from their hive and left to die.

He felt that he was left in a similar situation.

He's always tried to help the male bees survive for as long as they could, though. He made a bee dome specifically for casted away male bees. For them to live on their own for as long as they could.

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