Beach Party

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Fanart by @MeyaaaUWU on twitter

Made: June 8th 2022
Published: June 18th 2022

Due to recent events in lore on the server, I have came up with this idea. :D

Tubbo still feels really bad. Why did he do it? Literally EVERYONE was against it, and he still did! Sure, it helped maintain peace in the nation from being caged in, but... his best friend...

No. He doesn't have the right to call the blond that anymore.

Not only that, but christmas was coming up.

Tommy had to spend christmas alone because of him.

Why didn't I just agree with everyone else?!

Why did I have to think I was so in the right?!

Has the power gone to my head?

Tears fell down his face, but he quickly wiped them away. He looked at the calendar, it was only the 9th of December and it was fairly early.

Maybe just see the other? Not on a special day, just to make it seem like he isn't taking pity.

But did the blond want to see him?

I wouldn't after what I did...

He took a deep breath and brings out his compass. The one that Ghostbur gave him.

Speaking of Ghostbur, I haven't seen him around a lot... where has he been? I still need to thank him for making another compass after what happened to the last one...

He shook those thoughts out. He didn't need to think about that for now. All he needed to do was see his ex-best friend, apologize, give him anything he could possibly want, then leave and never see him again. Plain and simple!


Upon entering the portal, he was a bit surprised to see a little... camp home next to him. It looked pretty well.

He was able to start a new life... I'm happy for him.

The brunette moved a bit inside and checked around, there was a log there was an apple on it with a bell on the side. There were crates, and also a bit of signs. More of a to-do list. General basics of what's necessary. There wasn't much in the place though.

He didn't feel it was right for him to trespass further into the home though. He doesn't deserve to see how the other had been forced to make a life outside of what he was use to because of the so-called 'president'. He doesn't even deserve the title.

He began walking along the path that led to a beach. What he didn't exactly to see was 2 people there.

Tommy and Dream.

Why the hell is Dream here...? Keeping him company? That's nice of him...

Why is it decorated?

Tubbo-centric stories Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now