Visiting the Family

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Fanart by @sniegasuns on twitter

Made: July 25th 2022
Published: August 29th 2022

Basically, CaptainSparklez visits Tubbo. Dad Captain au and Tubbo was never left on the side of the road. Just met Tommy in a daycare or somethin and he's like- half dragon

Ranboo's alive bc I say so

Drama alert.

Tubbo sighed as he opened the door to the cold outside of their mansion in Snowchester. It was literally always snowing, and he was smart and decided to step outside without a coat on in order to check the mail box.

Wasn't one of his best decisions, but at least he's more awake now. Walking out there and somehow not getting his feet in snow mostly had to do with the hybrid part of him, but he did it. He checked the mail and saw there was a bit in there. But there was a letter sent to him that was directly under his old legal name.

To: Tuberculosis Underscore

Welp. That's not worrying at all.

He walked back to his house and placed the mail on the counter. It was pretty early and he was the only one awake at the moment. He should probably get working on breakfast, but the letter was quite worrying since it didn't have his full legal name, but full first name. Barely anyone knew it. Hell, he doesn't even think that his own husband knows it.

He ripped it open and began to read. It was specifically made for him as it was easy for him to read with his dyslexia. So that was nice.

Dear Tuberculosis,

It's been awhile since I've heard from you. As much as I trust your decision making skills, as you were always a smart kid, you can't fault a father for worrying about his son. I just want to know how you've been since we let you live your life with your friends. It's been 2 whole years, you know. Feel free to drop by the mountains to see visit us again. I just hope you're having a good time.

ps: Crumb misses having you around, so they'll be happy to see you again.

(I saw on the internet that Crumb uses she/they pronouns. Idk if that's wrong but I hope not)


Some part of him felt bad. He hasn't really given them a thought since he left to go with Tommy and Wilbur to create L'manburg.

To be fair, a lot happened. His face is pretty physical proof of that. So it wasn't exactly his fault.

He wonders if they would even recognize him. A lot can change within a few years. He still had blond hair when he left, he kinda couldn't keep dyeing it that after the whole Manberg/Pogtopia thing happened. As in, he wasn't allowed to once it was found out his hair was brown. He hadn't thought about it since, really.

His wings stretched and flapped a bit, but not to lift him of the ground.

Can I fly there still? It's quite far away.

He doesn't fly often, surprisingly. Despite being part of a mythical creature, that he doesn't use their advantages often. The whole being able to breath fire is something he uses, but not flying. Even though it's more practical.

Why does he do this to himself and only realize it when it slaps him in the face?

Oh well.

I might need to try flying for a bit before going.

The dragon heard footsteps behind him and turned to see his husband sleepily coming down the stairs.

Tubbo-centric stories Pt. 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora