34: Emotions

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Waking up to another day.... To a day of doing nothing but poisoning, torturing and tricking greedy nobles into their dooms, that is the Fourth Prince Raphael Lucille's specialty.

And also have I mentioned to you that I didn't get any sleep for the last three days? First it's the first prince's sudden change of behavior and then the mystery about my sword that kept me up all night and last night!! I just found out that my neighbor and male best friend is the freaking Villain of this story! How did I not know of that----maybe it's because I forgot what he looks like and maybe because I forgot about the fact that this novel also have a villain and not just a villainess, but still! I already have too much things in my hands right now! Why does it keep getting bigger and heavier!?.

You know what, let's just forget all that and worry about it later, what I should be worrying about is the that I'm late!! I did not sleep at all last night then how did I ended up late?.

Running around my house like a rocket I grabbed the things that I need, unlike the other princes I need to bring extra change of clothes because you do not want to walk around with blood on your clothe from the torturing you just seen---and I've seen a lot of it, that's why my stomach became this hard.

The usual bouquet of roses were placed on my doorstep as it does every morning but now......it became creepy and disturbing, why? Because I just found out that the man that gave me these  roses every morning for four straight years is the psychotic, tyrant and cold blooded Villain who almost killed the capture targets in the novel, but he didn't because Ellie got in the way, she threatened to kill herself if he kills anyone so he didn't, but because he saw how Ellie is so determined to save them, he couldn't grasp the reason why she would protect such flirty, yandere, two-face, jerk, and idiotic bastards, he eventually returned to Lionel Kingdom and not even batting an eye to the heroine as he I quote 'disappointed to see her Ellie protecting those vile creatures, they don't deserve her' end quote, he may have a point but still he wasn't called a villain for nothing.

Taking the rose in my hand, I put them in the vase like I always do every day, After what I found out about Leo, the Dalton's disappeared without a trace, my next door neighbors are officially gone and I can't lie and say that I don't miss them, he might be a villain but his grandmother makes the most wonderful sweets that even Ellie likes and his grandfather has fascinating stories about the world and mythical creatures that children and adults both love to listen to everytime they get to see him.

And Leo.....he maybe the villain but the Leo I knew and the Prince Leo I saw was..... different, the villain character the novel wrote him as is completely different from what he is now, Leo Dalton likes to tend to their garden, he likes giving flowers to children and has the most mesmerizing eyes I have ever seen, the villain I knew is cold, heartless and.... abandoned, he grew up as an outcast in his Kingdom, because his mother didn't came from a powerful family, nobles will see them as nothing less than commoners, his mother eventually committed suicide when she couldn't take it no more, after that nobody cared for the youngest prince of Lionel Kingdom, they left him to starve and die in the abandoned courtyard of his mother, the maids stole things and left without even looking back, he lived like those kids living on the streets, he would steal food from the kitchen and take care of himself.

Not even him own father--The king cared about him, Leo wanted nothing more than to live alone and fend for himself like he did for his entire life but sadly....his greedy father used him as a bait and send him to the borders where monster and wild animals creeps, he fought for survival and came out stronger than ever, he stood his grounds against those arrogant knights that have no real talent, at the age of 10 he was already out killing monster, his bloodlust became more intense as day go by, his position rose higher by each kill and eventually he took over the authority of the whole army, he stood with pride like how a lion is when he is the king of the jungle like his name.

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