I'm done...

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Hi dreamers! So you should all probably know by now that I rarely update my stories because of school and other things...

Well I don't know if this is good news or bad but still... Here goes... I've been having a really bad time these past few months and it's been so hard for me right now... I'm constantly having mental breakdown, depression and anxiety and this is not only coming from social media but from my personal life also... I know that I have many readers but I know also that I have many haters as well.... Some even message me telling me to stop writing because I'm really shitty in it and other stuff from other people also... I know that I shouldn't be affected by this and just focus on doing the thing's I love because there are still many people that read my stories but... Let's get real.... I'm not a strong person, I easily get discouraged and effected by what other think of me, I guess this is the result of me having a childhood where I was told to be perfect and stuff, growing up I was frail and sickly so I spend most of my childhood stuck in a hospital or on my bed, because I can't play outside like other kids do and...I guess that impacted me pretty badly too.

So the point is..... I don't think I can do this anymore.... I mean a friend of mine suggested that I don't have to act so irrationally and just take a month off from social media so I'm going to do just that.... You probably won't hear from me from about a month or so.... If I somehow recover then I will return but if I can't then... That's about it... I'm done.

Sorry for taking up your time and space, I hope all of you had a nice day and I will see you soon... Or maybe not.

Stay safe and dream big, dreamers!


(This is being publish on all of my recent books---excluding the completed ones!)

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