Thirty: The Normalest Day

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I already told you, good things dont last forever.

Never EVER think that they do.

*Jake POV*

Before Drew could gun us down, someone whisked Zander away and yelled the obvious at us.


So we ran the fuck away.

Drew's torture chamber was like an infinite labyrinth, full of twists and turns and terrible construction. In fact, the farther we ran, the more cracked the walls and ceiling became. 

"Sean! Daisy! How the hell do we get out of here?" I asked

"I don't know! We just ran until we found you guys!" Sean responded

The only two people who navigated the building didn't know shit, how great.

"WE NEED TO KEEP GOING!" Daisy yelled, urging us on

We all ran 5% faster.

"I'M GONNA FUCKING END YOU ALL, BASTARDS!" Drew yelled from the labyrinth behind us.

We all just kept running.

"GUYS! THAT'S THE DOOR!" Hailey yelled, grabbing everyone's attention.

We rushed to the door and opened it to find...


And all was well.

Until it wasn't.

We were hunkered down in ambulances answering questions and it turns out Zander had somehow already made it to the hospital. None of us had quite realized what had occurred, but we were glad it was over.

Then, Drew made his final entrance.

The door busted open and revealed Drew with a massive LMG. With no warning or monologue, he started spraying.


I heard the sound of dozens of guns turning off the safety and the gut-wrenching sound of people being struck by projectiles.

I saw Daisy pull out her gun and shoot at Drew.


Then, some radios went off and the cops seemed to calm down a bit. 

Before anyone else on the ground could fire a shot though, we heard the sound of someone getting hit and a distant gunshot. I had the nerve to peek out from behind my cover and saw Drew.

He was dead.

Despite what I thought I'd feel, I didn't feel a tinge of remorse for him or his family. As far as I was concerned, he was better off dead. I stared at his dead body and felt nothing but contentedness. Now that he was finally gone, I could finally live without looking over my shoulder. I could finally live without worrying about my life ending prematurely, and it was a great feeling. 

I could do whatever I wanted to and he wouldn't be there to stop me.

We all sat together as Drew's covered body was loaded up into an ambulance. The mood was a sort of uneasy relief, the worst time of our lives had just ended, but the amout of suffering needed to do so and the way it ended...

I'm sure that some of them felt guilty about being happy, but I didn't. I wasn't going to feel guilty for that son of a bitch just because he was dead, I was going to be happy if I wanted to. 

After a few minutes, the cops decided to escort us home and assured us that there would be no more court. We all decided to go to Hailey's house and all of our parents were there waiting for us, worried out of their minds. I got to finally see my mom after a long time, which was really nice.

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