Chapter 45

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Since the night Delyth returned from Homer's cage in the dungeons, Tiarnan has stood guard at her door every night. On some nights, Jothan takes over and guards it in his place. No matter how many times Tiarnan tells her, it's for his peace of mind, she still thinks he's over-reacting. Jothan had to encourage her that he understands where Tiarnan's mindset is.

"If I could predict Cybil's death, I would've stayed home with her that night, like I usually would. So, see it through his perspective. He's trying to protect the woman he loves." He lightly patted her cheek in a brotherly way.

Currently, certain things have become a concern to Delyth. She sought help and when she received news on what the problem was, she was in a frozen state at first but when she pondered on it more, it became the best news she had ever received in her life. That said, her wedding is in a week making the news even more perfect.

The sun is shining brighter, the birds chirp their songs in an even more melodious tune as she skips and hums her way through the halls to deliver the news to Tiarnan. Today is a beautiful day.

Suddenly she stops and her brows are drawn together when Jothan's grim expression darkens his features, causing her body to tense. The last time she saw that expression was when Tiarnan asked her of Jothan's whereabouts minutes before they found her on the gallows.


He opens and closes his mouth a few times before he wraps an arm around her shoulder and turns her in the opposite direction. "Let's get something to eat first."

A strange feeling rushes in her head but she pushes it aside. While they are walking, she looks at the aloof expression on his face. "No. I can eat later. I have something important to tell Tiarnan."

Jothan takes a sharp breath and flexes his jaw. "I really believe you will want to eat first. Look, you're hungry, I'm hungry. Let's go."

She pushes his arm off her shoulder and stands in front of him, annoyed. "Why won't you let me see him? Why do you have that look on your face like something bad happened?"

"Delyth," Jothan starts barely above that whisper, his eyes falling to the floor. She knows that face too well to not understand what it means. She's seen that face too many times in her lifetime.

She shakes her head and licks her lips suddenly becomes dry. "Where is he?"

He takes careful strides toward her but she keeps backing away. "Delyth, just let me get you something to eat and then I'll take you to him, okay?"

Her head and hands shake more violently, her breathing getting harsher. "No!" She tries to side step him but he pulls her and holds her back to his chest in a stronghold. She continues to fight against him.

"No! Jothan, let me see him!" She shouts, a lump rising in her throat.

"I can't." He whispers in her ear and swallows hard.

"Please! Just let me see him! Why won't you–Why?" Everything becomes too much for her and she stops fighting and rests her head on his arm, tears streaming down.

"Quaeso. Please, let me see him. I'm begging you, Jothan." Unable seeing her in such a foreign emotional state, he loosens his grip on her.

"Okay. I'll take you to him." As soon as he releases her, she runs off to wherever her feet take her. Her eyes are moving around quicker than light, searching for whatever can give her answers to where Tiarnan is.

A loud gasp leaves her lips, upon finally getting the answer she's looking for, her heart sinks. The answer she discovers is not the one she anticipated. A handful of servants are on their knees cleaning the floor while guards and knights stand around laughing among themselves.

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