Chapter 24

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 The better part of Delyth's day started when she received a letter from both Othmar and Soo Min the night before, wishing her good luck on the Tournament. They included that they will be cheering her on loudly from Esadom. 

She also received a letter from Hias Gaisser himself wishing her the best of luck and encouraging her that he believes she will win. He also made sure to advise her to watch out carefully for any tactics Ruadhan will administer because if he feels the least bit threatened by her, he will cheat his way to ensure she loses. Though, what made her feel better was that he informed her that he sent one of his men to watch it on his behalf.

Delyth may be considered brave and daring but she is also human. She won't show it or tell anyone, but deep down she is scared. She fears failures, the humiliation Ruadhan might bring and of Ruadhan himself. She is aware of his cowardly mannerism but he is also a man that will stop at nothing, no matter what line he has to cross to remain in power or get back at anyone who embarrasses or questions his motives.

Which is why, to remind her that she has nothing to fear and that she has to win for the sake of all the Naelundian lives that were lost and for the future of women, she went to visit Ravi. And for the time they spent together training and playing around, Delyth forgot about the worries she had about the Tournament.

It didn't last long because here Delyth is pacing back and forth and wringing her fingers together in anticipation in the Keep. A knock on the door startles and she looks up to make eye contact with Tiarnan who has a ghost of a smile playing across his lips.

"You're nervous, I know but you have the entirety of Ruadhan's men standing behind you. You also have Roisin...and me," he holds her gaze, hoping she'll see how serious he is and she does. He takes her hand and caresses his thumb along her knuckles.

"I have a bad feeling about today. I stubbed both little toes. How does that even happen? The other four toes are supposed to protect the little toe, so how does it manage to always get hurt? My hair is being uncooperative. I mean, it's normally a stubborn thing but today is different. I don't feel good about today, Tiarnan." He cocks his head to the side, fighting the smile that threatened to show. He finds her rant adorable.

He removes the hair band from her unkempt hair, runs his fingers over it a few times and ties it up better. The blacksmith parents of a nine year old allowed him to practice on her hair since they share the same skin color and hair as Delyth. The parents were a lovely bunch, taught him different and easy styles. "You've trained, you've prepared. You may not be the best but you are better than when you first started and that's good enough. We all believe in you, you just need to believe in yourself," he smiles down at her and she returns it feeling more at ease.

She gazes up at him with a soft expression. "Thank you, Tiarnan." Lord knows what would be of her life if she didn't have him in it.

He leans forward and places a light kiss on her nose, which causes a giggle to erupt from her, surprising both of them. Delyth hasn't giggled since she was a child, she forgot what it was to giggle. Meanwhile, Tiarnan's eyebrow raises, smirking proudly at the beautiful sound that left her lips.

He bumps her shoulder with his. "Always, my golden dream. Let's go."

"There must be enough people who believe in you." Tiarnan stands tall in confusion with his hands on his hips, as do the rest of the Knights as they stare at the people in the stands and pavilions.

More than a majority of the spectators are cheering for Ruadhan and they can count on their hands how many are cheering for Delyth. It maddens Tiarnan how right Delyth was earlier. She knew something bad was going to happen. She felt it.

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